History Of The Kingdom
This Kingdom could also be called "The Christ Continuum". More or less, it resembled "The Q Continuum", but with the humanitarian objective to protect and free weaker beings in this galaxy.
It operates on a higher spiritual level than "The Galactic Federation" and is not answerable to its leaders.
While the Galactic Federation operates in the old space/time/energy of the old universe, the Christ Continuum operates under new rules in a New Universe. Since Federation people are "out of phase", with the Kingdom, they're probably not aware of its existence.
The Kingdom can be divided into two time periods: Foundation One (The Beginning of the Universe to 33 A.D) and Foundation Two (33 A.D to Present Time and Beyond).
In Foundation One, large amounts of matter were compressed into a very small space. This happened because the original universe had very little space, energy or time connected with it. The need for more space to place huge objects created "The Big Bang".
Foundation Two was created from the hopes and dreams of children. Some creations are listed in "A Vision Of The Kingdom".
While everybody and everything seemed to be very old in Foundation One, In Foundation Two, you would be hard pressed to find someone who was older than a teenager.
In the former, there was no high technology because everything was suppose to be done by high voltage spiritual power. A difficult task for most of the Brotherhood.
In the latter, high tech was the name of the game and the Continuum moved into its "Star Trek Period".
Schools were established to make believers into powerful sons of God. Some passed. Some failed.
Two recent projects over the last thousand years were "Graceworld" and "The Memory Restoration Project". They are still running today.
There are also top secret projects that I can't mention in this space.
Posted by qualteam
at 10:54 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 15 April 2009 9:46 AM EDT