My Late Brother Ted Barron, My Family And My Extended Family, The Noseworthys

I've often taken relationships with family and friends for granted. Over the last 35 years, I saw my brother Ted six or seven times. I'd excuse this by saying he doesn't talk with me or my mother over long periods of time. I didn't know all the circumstances for this. However, over the last few days, I realized how involved Ted was with community projects in Cobden, Ont.
As a WW2 baby, he was raised by foster parents until my parents were able to take care for him. He had strong ties with the Cobden community from a very young age.
Recently, a biography of his life was published on Yahoo News. As a teacher, business man, coach, and activitist of community events, he had quite an impact.
I went to his son's (Chris) wedding in 1994 and he came to my wedding in 1995, It was ten years later that I saw him and his wife at my mother's 80th birthday party. My mother died in 2006 and he and his wife were at funeral.
In 2010, we were fortunate to get the whole family together for dinner at my brother Bob's place in Toronto. These photos are a rare occasion because we were only together a few times.
In the group picture, my late wife Irene is on the left, then me, then Ted's wife, Daphne, then niece Jenny, then Ted, then Bob's wife, Donna, niece Laura, sister Linda and brother Bob.
In 2015, my brother and I watched one of Ted's grandchildren playing hockey in a Scarboro rink. Ted always took his grandkids to baseball and hockey games that they played in. He was a real hands-on grandfather.
2016 was Ted and Daphne's 50th wedding anniversay and I was fortunate to get it on video tape. It's beautiful country up there beside Muskcrat Lake.
Ted died last week and even the Toronto Star covered his obituary and biography.
Ted was busy man around Cobden with his family and his many projects. If I had spent more time with him. I would have known that instead of reading about them in a newspaper.
Farewell dear brother.
Here's a collection of super 8 videos of the Barron and Peever family from the early 1960s.
Tributes to Ted are in the guestbook from his many friends.
Over the last 25 years, I spent a great deal of time with my late wife Irene and her family in Ontario and Newfoundland. We made several trips to Newfoundland and there was always something new to discover there.
Here are pictures of our 2010 trip. Irene is shown with her favourite brother Clarence Noseworthy and his wife, Winnie. Their cousin, Tom Lawlor is shown with his granddaughter. There's also pictures of some of Irene's other brothers, Walt and his wife Sadie Nosewothy, Fred and his grandaughter Taylor Noseworthy.
Lots of great scenery in Newfoundland.
P.S. Here's an Elvis song that Irene loved to hear me sing at karaoke
Posted by qualteam
at 2:27 PM EST
Updated: Thursday, 10 February 2022 9:30 PM EST