The fight for freedom from the whims of kings, emperors, czars, Führers and dictators has happened many times in the history of man. Look at the stories of Spartacus, the French Revolution, The American Revolution, the Russian Revolution and Nazism. We don't want to be slaves to so-called superior demigods who want to control our minds and bodies for their own glory.
In a fascist regime, the individual has to serve the dictator. Human Rights are curtailed and unquestioning obedience is expected. Propaganda is used for mind control.
The Russian State finds itself under the control of a ruthless, and totalitarian dictator, who I call Czar Putin. Ukraine, Europe and the whole world wants to be free of this warcriminal.
We should build a Russian Liberation Army out of disaffected Russian POWs and volunteers. Ukrainians are willing to die for liberty while Russian soldiers die for nothing.
Che Guevara and Lawrence of Arabia can teach troops and volunteers from their books about guerilla warfare.
In the blog before this one, I encouraged Christians to become prayerwarriors and pray for the liberation of Ukraine. Bringing bad luck to the Russian Army is one way to do this.
There are a few in Russia who disagree with Putin and his lackies. Recruit a 5th Column of Russian Dissidents. A new Russian Government could be built around them.
The National Russian Republican Army was recently created and is now moving to bring freedom to the Russian people.
Collectively, there is a special message for Putin, right now and it isn't
Posted by qualteam
at 12:01 AM EDT
Updated: Monday, 5 September 2022 6:57 AM EDT