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Saturday, 17 November 2007
It's Time To Shut Down Coal-Producing Plants In The World

Coal plants are responsible for about a quarter of the pollution and global warming in the world. There are alternatives to these plants. The most popular one is nuclear which Canada uses in abundance. However, Canada does have a coal producing plant in Nanticoke, Ontario which will be shut down in 2012.

What is your country doing about dirty electricity and global warming? Here's a list of the top ten polluters in the world:

Top 10 polluting power plants

The world's most polluting power plants, with annual emissions in millions of tons of CO{-2}. Ontario Power Generation's Nanticoke generating station on Lake Erie is 65th, with 17.6 million tons.

1. Taichung, Taiwan (41.3)

2. Poryong, South Korea (37)

3. Castle Peak, Hong Kong (35)

4. Reftinskaya SDPP, Russia (33)

5. Mailiao FP, Taiwan (32.4)

6. Tuoketuo-1, China (32.4)

7. Vindhyachail, India (29)

8. Hekinan, Japan (28.9)

9. Kendal, South Africa (28.6)

10. Janschwalde, Germany (27.4)

For more information on this enviromental danger, check out this Toronto Star article.

Look at what is happening in the Canadian Artic.

Obviously, the world needs guidelines and an agency to enforce environmental standards, perhaps Greenpeace would be that agency.


Posted by qualteam at 10:31 PM EST
Updated: Saturday, 17 November 2007 10:51 PM EST

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