Apparently, the executive bonuses paid out at AIG have climbed from 175 million to 220 million. Again, the doctrine of entitlement is still rift in the financial communicity.
However, I must point out there are many conspirators in the financial crisis who were well paid for selling "toxic products" to other financial institutions. I wrote a blog entry about this called "The Poster Boys Of The Financial Crisis".
The normal business practice is to reward executives for jobs well done. When CEOs are rewarded for incompetence or even criminal behavior, it tells me that something is grossly wrong with "basic business policy".
There should be a complete investigation of the policies and actions of these financial institutions over the last five years. Individuals should be investigated for acts of "Financal Terrorism": A fresh broom sweeps clean.
Individuals and companies responsible for the financial crisis could be fined millions even billions of dollars. Jail time and community service would be served by those found guilty.
Any kind of political, financial or corporate aristocracy that thinks they are above the law or the rules of business should be taught a lesson.
The American Revolution and The French Revolution were responses to "The Entitled Few" exploiting "The Tax-Paying Many".