What Happened In "The Three Of Hours Of Darkness" At The Crucifixion?
That's not the only question that arises from the crucifixion of Jesus. How can the righteous death of one person bring about salvation and the forgiveness of sins for all believers everywhere at every time? If Satan failed to tempt Jesus away from the crucifixion (Plan A), what was he going to do to stop the resurrection (Plan B)?
If believers have "The Mind Of Christ" wouldn't they be able to recall this event and others? "I am the vine. You are the branches". This implies full connection to Christ and his experiences.
Christians, don't we all have three hours of darkness in our minds?
No eclipse could have caused the darkness above and it was physical phenomenon. I have pondered on this event for some time. It was part of my spiritual journey. "Ask and it will be answered". "Knock and the door will be opened."
To begin with, Satan knew that Jesus had no problem resurrecting bodies, after all, he resurrected Lazarus. The only way Jesus could be stopped from resurrecting was to apply overwhelming physical force that would throw him out of time and space.
I believe that Jesus was pulled spiritually through a "Black Hole", "a quantum singularity" that altered space/time/mass/energy and sent him back to the beginning of the universe towards the full force of the "Big Bang". In the midst of these overwhelming physical forces, he was told that "When you're dead, you stay dead. You're dead forever."
Needless to say, Jesus found himself in a timeless, spaceless realm where anything was possible. In less than a micro second, sins were forgive, and a new universe was created that ended the aging and death process.
I believe that God wants us to know what happened during those "three hours of darkness". Hopefully, I've been able to shed some light on this subject.
Posted by qualteam
at 10:39 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 5 April 2009 1:01 AM EDT