On Nov/09/06, I received an ultrasound and biopsy for prostate cancer. On Nov/22/06, I got the results and they were negative.
I credit the Lord for directing my attention into this diseased area. Two months ago, I heard a lecture at "The People's Church" in North York, Canada on the subject of "Prostate Problems." I prayed earnestly that those with prostate cancer get healing for their condition. Through "The Mind Of Christ", Christians from this life and other lives linked to "feel the pain of prostate victims" and then "pull the destructive energy" from them.
I felt that Jesus was on a crusade to annihilate cancer on the planet and I wanted to do my share. I've written, at least, eight or nine blog entries on spiritual power, wellness and conquering cancer. This was in September/October and November of this year.
On a physical level, this war continues to be fought with good nutrition(leafy green veggies and supplements, etc.), powerful antioxidant drinks like pomegranate juice, bottled or filtered water, intense physical exercise and hot saunas.
I'm still looking around for a good toxin cleansing program. If you know of one, please contact me at qualteam@yahoo.com .
http://www.thepeopleschurch.ca/default.asp (What Is The People's Church?)
http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/13684997/ (Evidence For The Use Of Pomegranate Juice Against Prostate Cancer)
http://www.anysonglyrics.com/lyrics/t/timmcgraw/live-like-you-were-dying-lyrics.htm (Lyrics To Tim McGraws "Live Like You Were Dying")