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Tuesday, 31 October 2006
Prejudice Against The Undead

Human prejudice comes in many forms, prejudice because of race, prejudice because of religion, prejudice because of culture, etc. However, the ultimate human prejudice is against the undead and zombies in particular, pure and simple:

  • Zombies want to eat your flesh and brain
  • Zombies are only interested in killing human beings 
  • Zombies are demons from hell
  • Zombies are basically all the same with a destructive intent
  • Zombies are the evil scum of the universe

Movie after movie has portrayed them as soulless, mindless killing machines.

You never see anything from the zombie's point of view, because supposedly it's being controlled by the devil or some unseen power. This smacks of propaganda. If some zombies showed up on Earth, we would be at war with them. No diplomacy or communication would be used by human governments.

There's a story here that isn't being told. In the 21st century, zombies seem to be entertainers who act in movies and scare people. Of course, there's something scary about not staying down when you're dead. Our society just doesn't have any place for the undead except on Halloween.

The story about who the zombies really are and what they really want has never been told. Maybe I'll be the one to tell it, someday. (Land Of The Dead Reviews)

Posted by qualteam at 10:17 PM EST
Monday, 30 October 2006
Your Guardian Angel

Wouldn't it be great to meet your Guardian Angel in a special place some day? The universe could open up to you.

Reach out and take her hand at

Posted by qualteam at 10:02 PM EST
Sunday, 29 October 2006
Movie Review 108: I Bury The Living
Mood:  a-ok

This is a genuinely spooky suspense/horror movie from 1958. Black pins go into a cementary grave-plot map and people die. White pins go into the same place on the map'll have to see the ending yourself.

The film has the suspense and mood of a Hitchcock tale with a Twilight Zone kind of feel. You never seem to know what's going to happen next.

This is a different kind of movie for Halloween. Three and a half stars. (Movie Review)

Posted by qualteam at 6:59 PM EDT
Saturday, 28 October 2006
A Spooky Place To Visit On Halloween

This would be the hotel and resort located at .  This place actually exists, but it isn't the hotel mentioned in the song "Hotel California".

What kind of activities are they running? If you knew the group behind it, you would know.

Genuine haunted houses can be very entertaining, but don't go into this one with your eyes shut.

Any guesses as to where this hotel is and who's behind it? Give me your ideas at

Posted by qualteam at 11:34 PM EDT
Updated: Saturday, 28 October 2006 11:41 PM EDT
Friday, 27 October 2006
Halloween Costumes
Mood:  mischievious

Looking for the ideal Halloween costume that matches your secret undead identity. Check out the Gehenna Funhouse at

However, if you're looking for something off-beat and politically incorrect, check out this "Al Jolson Costume" at You can be a singing fool in some crazy cult.

Halloween is a time when we enter a dark area in our subconscious mind. Finding some scary identity or spooky place can be fun. Sometimes, you find another world(e.g. )

Have a Happy Halloween.

Posted by qualteam at 10:47 PM EDT
Wednesday, 25 October 2006
Google's New Customized Search Engine

The guys at Google never stop working or developing new tools. The latest is a customized search engine that can find anything on your personal websites or blogs.

From this innovation, I've created my own personalized Google Search Engine which is found at the bottom of this page. Put something in the search box and see what comes up. Seek and ye shall find.

To me, this is state of the art.

Get your own at: .


Posted by qualteam at 9:59 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 25 October 2006 10:13 PM EDT
Tuesday, 24 October 2006
Halloween Treats
Mood:  cheeky

Here's a little something for you and a friend. It's the hilarious and scary video "Sittin' Up With The Dead" by Ray Stevens.

If you're looking for a different kind of Halloween costume, try the one suggested in "The Streak".




Posted by qualteam at 10:47 PM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 24 October 2006 10:57 PM EDT
Monday, 23 October 2006
I Drink Pomegranate Juice. Do You?

There are studies that link Pomegranate Juice to improved prostate and cardio health.

I've taken it for the last four months and I find the juice has a tonic effect on my body. It's invigorating and refreshing.

There are studies on this juice with prostate cancer patients below: (A Scientific Health Study) (Facts About The Pomegranate)

Posted by qualteam at 10:39 PM EDT
Sunday, 22 October 2006
The Journey Through The Barron Blog
Mood:  spacey

The journey through the "Barron Blog" is more than a journey through endless trivia or mundane events like "wedding showers" and "CUPW postal contracts."

This blog also contains my mystical experiences in the mysterious worlds of "Hotel California", "Area 53", "Katimavik", "Graceworld" and various "Earth Continuums".  Hopefully, you can take away some insights from this material that apply to your own spiritual journey.

If I can open the door slightly to another world for you, I have done well. (Area 53 Information) (Katimavik Information)  (Hotel California Vacations)   

Posted by qualteam at 8:09 PM EDT
Saturday, 21 October 2006
The Bridal Shower Was Successful
Mood:  a-ok

My wife, Irene, worked very hard to make this event successful. She started preparations yesterday after work at 5:30 P.M. and finished at 7:00 A.M. this morning. She was to determined to make this a memorable occasion for her only daughter, Roxane and it was.

About 20 ladies of all ages showed up and many games were played. Afterwords, a good meal was served which included salads, coldcuts, chili and many deserts(The cheesecake was especially good).

I wasn't there for much of the shower, but it appeared like everyone had a good time(without men).

Obviously, Irene did more than her share to make this a super shower. Well Done. Four Stars. (Create Your Own Unique Shower)


Posted by qualteam at 11:09 PM EDT
Updated: Saturday, 21 October 2006 11:12 PM EDT

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