Mood: energetic
I'm a big fan of superheroes like "Superman", "Captain Marvel" and "Spiderman." However, on Earth as it exists today, there are enemies of man, there aren't being fully fought. In the realm of diseases, there's cancer, arthritis, and other baffling destructive ailments.
In many countries, there's terrorists, suicide bombers and murderers who will kill anyone anywhere.
In the Third World, AIDS, poverty and illiteracy are running rampant.
We need superheroes to fight against these evils and make the world a better place. Some philanthropists like Warren Buffet and Bill Gates are tossing billions at Third World conditions, but this isn't enough. Angels of mercy are needed to direct this money and assistance to those who actually need it the most.
Free spirits who are outside of their bodies have to unite to fight pernicious diseases like cancer. Their healing energies can be combined and used against cancerous stem cells in any part of the body.
Terrorists, suicide bombers and murderers can be isolated and incapacitated through their mental fears. Attacking a criminal or an insane mind is an activity that a spiritual warrior might do.
This world need "superheroes", but they're different from the comic book ones. You could be one in this life or the next. (Developments In Cancer Research)