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Saturday, 29 March 2008
Earth Hour: A Cause That Unites Us All

For sixty minutes tonight as our contribution to Earth Hour, My wife and I turned off the lights and appliances in our house.

Unfortunately, my stepson celebrated Earth Hour by watching television in the garage with the lights on. Maybe next year, he'll get the message.

For an event that started in Sydney Australia, this crusade has snowballed around the world. Even the guys at Google are embracing the idea. 

I've written many articles about grass roots involvement in the "Green Crusade". One of them is buying stocks and mutual funds in green oriented companies. That was the subject of my last blog.

"Reduce, Reuse and Recyle" are also activities that anyone can do.

What are you doing for the well being of the planet and mankind?



Posted by qualteam at 9:30 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 30 March 2008 10:46 PM EDT

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