Mankind's Encounters With Extraterrestrials
After two months of research, I'm finally able to write an entry about the above subject.
Needless to say, I have written much about an alien organization called "The Brotherhood of Christ". Those entries are found under the section called "My Cosmic Views of the Universe" on the right hand side of this page. The sources for those blogs are personal memories, insights into sci/fi themes, and religious mythology.
In dealing with alien encounters with mankind, I looked for the earliest records on that subject. Most likely, these are the cuneiform materials written by the ancient Sumerians. Specially, this is the activity of "The Annunaki", who landed on Earth about 450,000 years ago. The background of this race, reads more like history than it does mythology.
In researching extraterrestials , I found an amazing amount of material about "The Annunaki" on the internet. This data isn't relegated to ancient history. Check out recent information from whistleblower, William Cooper.
Thousands of years ago, the Annunaki considered themselves to be "The Gods of the Earth" They believed that they should be worshipped because they created mankind. They went to war with each other to see who was the only true God. Apparently, Jehovah/Enlil was the winner.
The myths about the wars of the gods permeate just about every culture on Earth including Greece, Egypt, Indian, Norse and North/South America.
As well as war, the Annunaki were excellent builders who assisted in the creation of the pyramids, heads on Easter Island and underground tunnels. It is highly likely, that they were behind the creation of secret societies like "The Illuminati" and "The Freemasons".
The Annunaki were also in the goldmining business and they had mines in the middle East, Africa and Peru. Originally, they mined the gold for themselves, but the workers walked off the job because of harsh conditions. This lead to the creation of man using the DNA from aliens and apes . The purpose was to free the Annunaki from hard physical labour. (Shifting Hell onto the backs of mankind?)
The gold was valuable because it either protected their home planet's (Niburi) atmosphere or it was used to prolong life for thousands of years.
To protect themselves from wars, the Annunaki went underground. They took some Hopi Indians with them to repopulate North and South America after the battles. The Hopi called their benefactors "The Ant and Snake People".
The above picture is the Aztec god, Quetzalcoatl who was in charge of mining operations in North and South America.
Moving forward, we discover that UFO phenomena is still very prevalent, but with lack of direct contact. Instead of disclosure there seems to be conspiracies.
Is it possible that JFK was killed because he wanted to find out about "alien contacts"? Was Jimmy Carter intimidated from finding and releasing UFO files?
I did a great deal of research on ET whistleblowers in the U.S. The most credible were William Cooper, Bob Lazor, Charles Hall, Paul Scheider and Thomas Costello. Both Scheider and Costello worked at the U.S. Dulce underground base.
Memorable quotes: Charles Hall described the aliens at Indian Springs as arrogant and potentially violent. "They would take the generals on a trip around the moon and the generals would act like they went to Disneyland". "They (the aliens) liked to go to Vegas for some serious gambling". William Cooper: "The aliens claim to have created Homo Sapiens through hybridization. The papers said that RH Negative blood was proof of this. They further claimed to have created all of our major religions. They showed a hologram of the crucifixion of Christ which the Government filmed. They claim that JESUS, the CHRIST, was created by them.
As far as I can see, these are same aliens that have been around planet Earth off and on for over 400,000 years. They still have a tendency to treat human like slaves.
There are other aliens (Pleadians?) who are much more benevolent and want to help man spiritually. Perhaps, these aliens were connected to "The Ascended Masters". Earthly members met at "Giant Rock". This was a group of human abductees who followed the teachings of George Van Tassel. They connected to the Pleadians via telepathy.
There's nothing wrong with seeking out new life either here or on other planets. That's what Star Trek was all about.
I'm not awed by advanced civilizations or "know-it-alls" from outer space. A being is a being whether or not he or she has a spaceship or a moped. The decisions and thoughts we make/have about things that have happened to or around us are the things that shape us and which a person has to face up to. This is true of BEMs ("bug eyed aliens") and it's true of guys named Bob who have 2.2 children, live in the suburbs, drive an SUV and work for insurance companies.
Top ufologists present their cases.
Posted by qualteam
at 9:47 PM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 28 August 2012 5:58 PM EDT