Many scientists believe that the universe was created by chance through a "Big Bang".
The chaotic soup of mass/energy(full of nano particles), space and time , just naturally came together to form galaxies, suns and planets.
The forces of the universe were conceived to act alone without the assistance of "The Uncaused Cause"(i.e. God and/or spiritual beings).
Personally, I believe that life in some form took an active part in systematically creating the universe.
Intelligent life like humans on a microscale like Earth used their minds and creativity to plan and build for the future. This was how Earth civilization has advanced to where it is now.
I am assuming that life existed before the creation of the universe. The concepts of "being and not being" "existence or non existence" were probably the first original thoughts. I believe those thoughts and others were created in the computer language of zeros and ones (binary codes) so they could be stored and organized in a great living computer (God?) that meticulously created mass, energy, space, and time.
The big "I Am" (God) split his beingness into little "I ams"(spirits) and "The Zero/One Continuum was born. The "Q Continuum" in Star Trek was simply a reflection of our spiritual native state at the beginning of the universe.
Me, you and the other guy came into being about the same time.
While God had the master plan of creating a huge universe, other spirits created alternate universes. Some got high marks, but many got low marks.
It should be noted that we were all in training as apprentice gods in order to become Master Gods.
Atoms, forces, galaxies, suns and planets were created with exact precision, much like a tradesman who mastered his craft.
Some of us (me included) created different types of games where you won big or lost big.
Before there were video game addicts, there were addicts in alternate universe games.
Needless to say, many of us never graduated from God School. We dropped out and became the hippies of the universe much like Q. Eternal life became a burden and many of the zero/ones developed a "Death Wish".
We lost our way and our memories through many unpleasant lifetimes, but God and Jesus never forgot us.
We were rescued about 2000 years ago and the Christ Continuum began.
The Zero/One Continuum is now "The Brotherhood of Christ".
A brief and incomplete mission statement of The Brotherhood:
- Protect Humans from global catastrophes like nuclear war, collision with comets, alien invasion, etc. Protect mankind against enslavement and/or brainwashing from E.T.s and humans.
- Healing: Humans and departed souls often suffer a great deal of pain and sorrow from lifetimes on Earth and elsewhere. There is healing available on these problems both in this life and the next.
- Memory Restoration: This will happen both with individuals and civilizations. We have the right and duty to learn the truth about ourselves and the civilizations that we were connected to.
- Reconnection: Finding departed loved ones and discovering new planetary cultures.
- Skills Development: This includes learning from the mistakes of the past, developing spiritual abilities to assist others and creating the world of our dreams.
To many, aliens and spirits are shrouded in heavy mysteries. This doesn't have to be the case. We all want answers to life questions.
I hope that material in this blog can assist you in your personal journey.