It's been a dismal year for Toronto fans, the Leafs were out of the playoffs for the seventh straight year, the Raptors were toothless and the Blue Jays gave up half way throught the season. Added to this is the on going "NHL Lockout" that doesn't show any signs of ending.
Fortunately, the "Argo Bounce" was on their side last Sunday.
Like a Hollywood screenplay, the Argos find themselves at home for the 100th anniversary of the Canadian Football League's championship.
Incredibly, the Argos (9 wins and 9 losses) with more points scored against them than points scored made it to the Grey Cup finals.
This team has some genuine all stars like quarterback, Ricky Ray and running back Chad Owens.
Through the years, I've never been a great CFL football fan, but this year, I've jumped on the bandwagon because the Argo are there at the right time and right place.
The Jays are rebuilding for next year and I'm boycotting the NHL.
The Toronto Argonauts are something to cheer about.