My study of ancient aliens has taken me back to early Christianity and the dead sea scrolls at Nag Hammadi. Particulary, these are the works of the Gnostics and their evil gods called "The Archons".
You might call the Gnostics the earliest ufologists. Their writings on alien incursions and mind control reminded me of the data collected on "The Annunaki" and "The Greys".
The information on the Archons was very scary because for thousands of years they seemed to be adversely influencing human behavior.
The above picture is a hologram of "Landru" from the original Star Trek episode "Return of the Archons". Because he's a computer program, he's able to exert near total control over his subjects. Much like many religions, dictators and some aliens.
Coming forward to present time we see the U.S. Government's coverup of alien activity. It's laughable that in a 1988 TV special two "whistleblowers", Falcon and Condor told the public that the Greys loved Tibetian music and strawberry icecearm. Perhaps, this was a covert attempt by the CIA to portray the aliens as something out of "E.T." and "Close Encounters of the Third Kind", friendly/scientific and warm/fuzzy. This didn't work with me or many others in the UFO community.
There's good and bad aliens like there's good and bad humans. Hopefully, we can make alliances with good guys and defeat the bad guys.