
Most of us want to know more about the universe. Where do we come from and why are we here? In earlier centuries, man relied on myths, legends and religious dogma to guide him to "higher truths."
Today, science fiction like Star Trek and fantasies like Harry Potter seem to fulfill our desire for a life beyond this planet. We are reaching for something out there and something out there is reaching for us.
Lets face it. We are small fish in the big pond of the universe. While some might call mankind a civilization of petty and negative minds, many of us dream of "first contact" with higher powers (e.g. They could be the "mysterious bug-eyed greys" or the bored superbeings in the "Q Continuum".).
If I was running a class on "Alien Encounters 101", I would divide the aliens into super civilizations of one kind or another. "The Greys", "The Nephilim" and "The Marcabs" would be highlighted. They are advanced humanoid civilizations who are using mankind for mind control experiments and/or genetic manipulation. To them, we're probably the lab-rats of the universe.
On a higher level would be the spiritual/magical world of Melchizedek. This could also be called "The New Universe of Jesus Christ". I've written many entries on this timeless existence. The links are in the column on the right.
Alien Encounters is a great adventure into the unknowns of your mind and the universe. Be willing to explore and gain your own understanding on this subject.