
I love watching the pros play "Texas Hold' em" on TV. Most of the time, they seem to be doing what I'd do in different situations. That doesn't mean, I know a great deal about Texas Hold'em poker. I don't, but I play the game fairly well intuitively.
Recently, I've opened up an account with Poker
Playing free poker was definitely, the stupidest and boringest thing I ever did.
I then, started playing small money games with fixed limits and blinds of $.02/.04. This was OK, but the winnings weren't exciting. I think I won a dollar after two hours of play.
I moved up to the $.25/.50 game quickly. I had to play smarter or I'd lose a few bucks. Who wants that?
Well, I'm in the black ($8.00) after five hours of playing. Try doing that at a casino.
I'm still educating myself on "Texas Hold'em". Any game is more fun when you study it and play it properly. I used to do that with Chess and Backgammon years ago.
A good basic video on the world's most popular poker game is placed below. Have fun and don't let poker control your time and money.