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Friday, 8 June 2007
Another Christianity 101

When one is involved in a spiritual journey, it seems to be human nature to go the "easiest route", the one with "the greatest comforts". I suppose that in the fifth century too much mythology and gospels had clouded the life of Christ. It was too much for Christian leaders to deal with and besides they wanted certified status as a bonafide religious group from the government of the day, Rome.

This all leads to the simplification of Christianity under the "Nicene Creed". This would put "The Gnostics" out of commission with their heresies and other gospels. Christianity would become a " Divine Club-Med Travel Agency".  Believe in the right dogma and go through the right rituals and, bingo, you have an "express ticket to Heaven".
It was a black day for Christianity: The socially responsible brotherhood became an oppressive human organizational hierarchy.
When I was a teenager, I knew that Christianity hadn't developed much over 1500 years, but I knew The Brotherhood of Christ had developed over the last 1900 years. "A New World" had been established outside of normal time and space by Jesus. In some ways, I'm still mystically connected to that new world/universe.
This mystical connection written about by the Apostle John in his gospel is really true. "I am the Vine. You are the branches". Also with Paul, "We have the Mind Of Christ". "As in Adam all die. So in Christ shall all be made alive." "Behold, I make all things new."
The early Church had to deal directly with the death and resurrection of Christ same as we have to deal with it today. It was an overwhelming experience for a human being. What does it mean to me? How are things in the unverse changed from it? Where do I come from and where am I going to?, etc.
For a long time I wandered through different religions, new age and old seeking answers. It appeared that a great deal of mind control had been used against humans in the past. In the 20th and 21st century, there were discussions about alien contacts and abductions, Area 51, The Illuminati, secret societies, etc.
The bottom line is that Jesus and The Early Church were not responsible for the above suppressions.
My blog contains many of my visions of The Kingdom of God over the last 1900 years.
I don't consider Christianity to be "a canned subject" like those at the Council of Nicaea.

Posted by qualteam at 11:03 AM EDT
Updated: Friday, 8 June 2007 11:30 AM EDT

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