Over the last few days, I've been checking out "New Age Websites" pertaining to alien organizations. Interesting stuff, but it takes awhile to get through it. It's easier if you have "deja vu" on the material because it's like going home.
I sent a message below to someone in charge of "The Galactic Federation Website". I received an answer and replied to it which I'll put in another blog entry.
Here's my message:
"I believe that I'm part of a developmental program from "The Order Of Melchizedek". This program was started by our founder, Jesus Christ. It has been running for about 1900 years. Fundamentally, this is a spiritual empowerment project. Our goal is to continue "The New Universe" plan of Jesus. We can "mind-meld" with each other and channel white energy to problem solvers on Earth. The Galactic Federation has been around for millions of years but we are not directly connected to it, because most of our organization exists outside of physical universe time and space. Hope to hear from you soon".
The Illuminati And The Galactic Federation