This includes citizens of the United States and the rest of the world.
I'm finding it very difficult to trust the politicos and the financial experts in our present condition. If you're not part of the economic solution, you're part of the economic problem. That includes much of the above.
Hundreds of millions in Canada/U.S. and the world are victims of negative returns on the stock market. Most of us have invested heavily in blue chip companies that help us to gain some measure of hope for prosperity and survival in our retirement.
Why should we be at the mercy of financiers and politicians? Thankfully, there are higher powers than the existing hierarchy to turn to.
Human reaction and emotion seem to supplant logical thought of those who make lots of noise in the media.
Most ordinary people don't want to see their house, job and pension plan go down the drain because "the powers that be" can't decide on a course of action amongst themselves.
If they can't decide, than a decision should be made for them from "The Lord of The Universe".
Obama And McCain Work For A Solution
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