I'd like to thank the millions of young people and Greta Thumberg in making the enviromental protest around the world such a success.
Greta Thumberg is like a 21st century "Popeye" who tells her adversaries "That's all I can stands, I can't stand no more".
A few years ago, I realized the value of Stewardship Over The Earth. I wrote a few blogs on that subject. I even wrote a blog about continuing this stewardship after death. Christians have eternal life and they don't go on permanent vacations in the next life. "To whom much is given, much will much be expected".
Also, I wrote about getting rid of coal plants and gas-powered cars.
I wrote a blog on investing in green companies.
Unfortunately, a few years later I became passionate about full disclosure of extraterrestrials, secret space programs and suppressed technology that would benefit mankind.
I did many meditations on full disclosure and healing, but I neglected climate change and activism in my prayers. I asked God for forgiveness for this failure and he forgave me.
I also asked God to forgive the baby boomers for their neglect of enviromental issues. For those who read this blog, I ask for your forgiveness as well. I am a baby boomer.
I have started to crusade on this issue through Twitter and Facebook. Try to make this part of your activism as well as meditations for help from angels, positive ETs and God.
Good luck and may God bless you and the Climate Change Crusade.
"Try to change the World" by Johnny Reid