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David Barron

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Monday, 9 March 2009
Graceworld: Memories From The Subconscious

Most bibical scholars are obsessed by the history of the early Christian Church and the words used in the Bible.

My particular obsession was: "What happened to Jesus and the early church after they left Earth"? There are numerous biblical quotations about how Christians are connected mystically to Christ and to other Christians(e.g. "I am the Vine and you are the branches." "We have the Mind of Christ.").

I also had questions about alien life forms, reincarnation and the reason the universe is so big.

In my journey through different religious sects, I discovered that existing churches presented only dogma and medieval visions of Heaven and Hell. They battled each other for "the best interpretation of the Bible".  You might say, that every denomination had its own "comfort zone" and there was an unwillingness to move away from it.

Fortunately, through my experiences with science fiction, rock and roll and new age religious practices, I have been able to recover some of my memories before this life. The most important insights pertain to The Christian Brotherhood which are listed under the topic of "Cosmic Views Of The Universe" on the right side of this page.

Graceworld is a destroyed planet where members of the early Christian Brotherhood learn about the mysteries of the universe. The Brotherhood also recovered ancient memories of the planetary inhabitants by tapping into their music (Rock and Roll).

Some memories from the Christian Brotherhood from 100 AD to present time can be accessed by people on Earth. It's like connecting to a huge mystical internet.

If you have any feedback on these subjects, please share them with me.


Music Playlist at

Posted by qualteam at 11:52 PM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 10 March 2009 10:54 AM EDT

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