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Monday, 9 March 2009
Graceworld: Memories From The Subconscious

Most bibical scholars are obsessed by the history of the early Christian Church and the words used in the Bible.

My particular obsession was: "What happened to Jesus and the early church after they left Earth"? There are numerous biblical quotations about how Christians are connected mystically to Christ and to other Christians(e.g. "I am the Vine and you are the branches." "We have the Mind of Christ.").

I also had questions about alien life forms, reincarnation and the reason the universe is so big.

In my journey through different religious sects, I discovered that existing churches presented only dogma and medieval visions of Heaven and Hell. They battled each other for "the best interpretation of the Bible".  You might say, that every denomination had its own "comfort zone" and there was an unwillingness to move away from it.

Fortunately, through my experiences with science fiction, rock and roll and new age religious practices, I have been able to recover some of my memories before this life. The most important insights pertain to The Christian Brotherhood which are listed under the topic of "Cosmic Views Of The Universe" on the right side of this page.

Graceworld is a destroyed planet where members of the early Christian Brotherhood learn about the mysteries of the universe. The Brotherhood also recovered ancient memories of the planetary inhabitants by tapping into their music (Rock and Roll).

Some memories from the Christian Brotherhood from 100 AD to present time can be accessed by people on Earth. It's like connecting to a huge mystical internet.

If you have any feedback on these subjects, please share them with me.


Music Playlist at

Posted by qualteam at 11:52 PM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 10 March 2009 10:54 AM EDT
Wednesday, 4 March 2009
Discovery Channel's "Journey To The Edge Of The Universe"
Mood:  on fire
Every now and then, something awesome comes on television. Discovery Channel's "Journey To The Edge Of The Universe" fits into that catagory. Through the use of photos from the Hubble telescope, I was taken from Earth to the far reaches of the universe. This isn't just a trip through space but through time as well. I travelled the light waves back to the first big bang.
I discovered "matter incubators" where stars were born and "black holes" where stars die. 
The trip was "deja vu" for me. As I approached the beginning of the universe, tears came to my eyes about the beauty of creation.
Our minds are really part of the cosmic consciousness of the universe. We can link up to those spiritual beings who fly through galaxies every day.
The universe is super big because spiritual beings have difficulty remembering who they are and where they come from. They need suns, planets, and cosmic vibrations to help them with their memories.
I have a category of blog links on the right side of this page called "Cosmic Views Of The Universe". I hope you can make some discoveries of your own about life beyond planet Earth. 

Posted by qualteam at 9:46 PM EST
Updated: Wednesday, 4 March 2009 10:08 PM EST
Sunday, 1 March 2009
We Will Rock You: My Review
Without a doubt, the best way to present "Queen's Music" is in an off-beat musical. 
While Freddy Mercury's music was often too loud and repetitious, it did lend itself to a dark vision of the future where old rock and roll music and instruments have been banned. 
The story revolved around an attempt by the rebels(i.e. Bohemians) to recover memories of early rock history. There's much humor about this and who these early performers were. (e.g. The Pelvis, etc.) 
The only way Earth can be saved from the bad guys (i.e. "GlobalSoft") is for the rebels to discover "The Dreamer" who will fulfill the prophesy about the return of rock guitars and real rock music. 
The best production numbers were "Radio-Ga-Ga", "Somebody To Love", "Crazy Little Thing Called Love" and "We Will Rock You".
The weakest tunes were done by a big Jamaican woman called "The Killer Queen" who should have been a drag queen.
This musical doesn't rate as highly as "Momma Mia" or "The Jerseys Boys". I can only give "We Will Rock You" three stars. It's still worth one viewing anyway.

Posted by qualteam at 2:24 PM EST
Updated: Sunday, 1 March 2009 3:03 PM EST
Tuesday, 24 February 2009
Movie Review 128: Passchendaele
Mood:  a-ok

With Canada mired so much in Afghanistan, the movie Passchendaele takes on extra significance.

The film doesn't totally succeed as a love story, but it definitely succeeds as an heroic war story. Without a doubt, the Canadians (i.e. the stormtroppers) are up to the task of giving everything on the grim battlefields of World War 1.

The battle scenes swing between barbarianism and humanitarianism on both sides. In the end, it's the Canadians' sense of duty that seems to win the day.

The story appeals to my patriotic pride in the men and women who serve their country in time of need. Three stars.

More reviews can be found here. 

The poem below originated in War World One.

In Flanders Fields by John McCrae

In Flanders Fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.


Posted by qualteam at 9:34 PM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 24 February 2009 10:30 PM EST
Sunday, 22 February 2009
The Recession: The Security Bubble Has Burst

Well, it isn't a bad as the Depression in the 1930s with unemployment running at 25%. Back then, it took the U.S. Government over three years to start to move on this condition. The Obama Government is moving much faster than that.

Economic forecasters were blindsided by the effect of massive "toxic debt" that was injected into the world's financial system from 2002 to 2008.

Guys like Bernie Madoff and Stanley O'Neil were able to get away with  fraud and financial bogus products for some time without regulation or oversight.

Added to the above were forecasts that oil and commodity prices would keep going up and up because of the demand in India and China. The bull market would continue indefinitely.

The herd instinct among forecasters made sheep look like independent thinkers.

The subprime bubble burst first, then the oil and commodity bubble. Financials nosedived followed by energy and other stocks.

In the end, the stock markets of the world ended up at where they were in 2002 (40% down).

If I were President of the United States, I wouldn't go easy on those that perpetrated this financial crisis. All of those who made money off of toxic paper would have to pay it back to the Government. This would cover a little of the cost of the financial bail-out. If they couldn't pay it back, they would have to do many hours of community service helping those less fortunate than themselves.

Stock market speculation is much harder to control. The Government should have well-trained investment analysts who can give warnings to investors when certain stocks get over valued.

Not enough time and effort was done to protect investors from the present downturn. This has to change.

I wish you all the best in keeping your job and/or getting a better one.


Posted by qualteam at 12:49 PM EST
Updated: Monday, 23 February 2009 8:51 AM EST
Tuesday, 17 February 2009
The Barron Blog Is Over Six Years Old

The Barron Blog was created on Feb/13/2003 and now contains over 1388 entries on practically every subject under the sun.

The highlights of this Blog are listed on the right. The funniest parts are placed in "my top ten lists".

Links to Barron Blog entries through pictures can be found here.

Perhaps, my most profound or controversial entries concern "The Brotherhood of Jesus Christ" and how one would connect to it. I've taken a mystical approach on matters of spirituality and the afterlife. If it isn't true for you, it isn't true for you.

Good music is also close to my heart and my blog and connected websites contain over a hundred songs and music videos.

Over the last year or so, I've tried to put some optimism into the world of investment and finance. This was a tough go for me, but you can't give up the ship because there's a storm on the ocean. We just have to make our survival and investment skills better in a time of painful recession.

The internet is a big mind that links us together. Hopefully, you've got a smile or an insight into something from your studies. I've tried to put my best thoughts, links and experiences into it.

Thanks for visiting. Send me a message on anything.


Posted by qualteam at 10:45 PM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 17 February 2009 11:00 PM EST
Sunday, 15 February 2009
Where Have All The "Traffic" Posties Gone?

After more than 35 years, I've finally retired from Canada Post. It was a decent job with a decent salary and benefits, but in the end I was hanging on to get a full pension .

I never grew up with dreams of becoming a career postal worker. Unfortunately, during my early 20s, I was laid off from many jobs. I wanted a position with a degree of job security that would be there from one year to the next. Luckily, I snagged a full time mailhandler position right off the street in July of 1973.

Sure there were many CUPW strikes, but I managed to get through those ok. Check out my "CUPW Guy Website" at for my involvement with this union.

The Toronto Exchange Office (TEO) had a nice retirement party for me and Linda Roberts, a registration clerk, who was retiring at the same time. Management brought in pizza and chicken wings for our staff but posties from other staffs showed up for the free food.

The plant manager Winslow, and floor supervisor, Ervin, gave their two cents worth on the occasion. It was more or less positive. I had a reputation for stirring up trouble for postal honchos. As a member of "The Good Old Traffic Boys" down at Union Station, we had a motto that we loved to communicate to management: "When the dust settles, we'll still be here, but you'll be gone". We worked hard, but we wouldn't put up with any harassment from the bosses.

Boy, have times changed.

The Post Office is downsizing in 2009/2010, but fortunately, there are, at least, 20,000 employees retiring over the next couple of years, so no one should get laid off like in the U.S. Post Office.

The Post Office has been good to me and others. We have (had?) 15 sick days cumulative each year. We have (had?) seven weeks vacation time after 28 years and six weeks pre-retirement leave after age 50 with 20 years of service. 

Why is "had" in brackets? Well, some things are going to change in the next contract, but the CPC pension plan is still one of the best in Canada.

The work in our section was often boring, heavy and tiring, but I stayed with it because it was a security blanket and an investment (i.e. the pension).

I look forward to writing more (screenplays, etc), blogging more, exercising more and acting as a film extra again. Perhaps, I might even get a small role in a film playing a bad guy of course.

P.S. My first job at Canada Post was in "The Traffic Division" down at Toronto's Union Station. The Toronto Maple Leafs and Raptors play where the old Post Office once stood.

Music Playlist at

Posted by qualteam at 10:33 AM EST
Updated: Sunday, 15 February 2009 10:54 PM EST
Tuesday, 10 February 2009
Movie Review 127: The Wrestler
Mood:  down

The best part of the wrestler was Mickey Rourke's performance. He reached out to his disaffected daughter and his personal stripper in order to develop a real relationship with each one. However, it seemed that the only meaningful relationship that "Randy Ram Robinson "(i.e. Rourke) had was with the wrestling audience.

This was where the story went off the rails.

Wrestling was killing Randy because his heart couldn't take it anymore. He tried to find redemption with his daughter and a stripper friend, but they rejected him. The only alternative was to wrestle until it killed him.

I didn't like this message. The story became a real downer three quarter of the way through when wrestling became the only thing that  Randy could relate to. Two and half stars. There's more meaningful things in life besides wrestling.

There are more reviews at on this website.


Posted by qualteam at 11:15 PM EST
Updated: Wednesday, 11 February 2009 10:11 PM EST
Saturday, 7 February 2009
Groundhog Daze

If fortune tellers are into economic forecasting why not groundhogs? Are the "gods of market forces" blessing us or cursing us? Every religion needs prophets and wise apples, why not "mystical economic shamans"?

It's easy to be a groundhog or a sheep investor following failed gurus and financial "experts". It's much harder to take a proactive approach to all of this and one's life as well.

I've been looking on the internet for material on "proactive thinking" and "reactive thinking".
Much of what has happened last year came from human reaction and emotion.  However, we all survive better when we use our noodles and engage in proactive planning and action.
The media is incredibly "reactive" on just about anything.
I've admired Ontario Premier, Dalton McGuinty's attempt to reinvent Ontario manufacturing. Some of this thinking comes from a report from
Roger Martin and Richard Florida called "Ontario in a Creative Age".
An important quote from The
"Toronto Star's" editoral yesterday. "Businesses have a responsibility to invest more in making their employees more creative".
This is the problem-solving, proactive approach that everyone should be into right now.
Engagment and educational programs should be part of any
out-of-the-box proactive plan.
We can't take our jobs and pensions for granted anymore. 

Posted by qualteam at 10:38 AM EST
Updated: Saturday, 7 February 2009 11:24 AM EST
Monday, 2 February 2009
Stock Market Bouncing

There were more important things to worry about today than groundhog shadows. There still seems to be strong protectionist feelings in the U.S. Government and the unemployment rate continues to go up.

Pessimism haunts the world's stock market and government debt gets bigger everyday.

Over the last couple of weeks, I've only bought one stock and it has trended lower. It's good to keep your losses at a minimum and watch for any change that might improve some sector of the market.

Most investors are probably still looking for a bottom in this market. I think we've passed that point, but there hasn't been much to cheer about. Cherry picking stocks is the game of the day, right now. You might get lucky and you might not.

In the meantime one can park his/her money in a "High Interest Tax-Free Saving Account". 3.00% is better than 0% or -5%. 


Posted by qualteam at 11:00 PM EST

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