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Friday, 8 February 2008
Rebuilding Bodies

My uncle used to find and rebuild old decrepit Mustangs for the purpose of resell. He was very successful because classic 1960s Mustangs were in high demand.

Just imagine if classic bodies could be rebuild in a similar way. Wouldn't there be a demand for them in the spirit world? Just imagine having a body like "Superman", "Darth Vader", or "Bugs Bunny". It boogles the mind.

In the 1970s, there was TV program about a rebuilt human being. It was called the six million dollar man starring Lee Majors.

In the 21st century, the techology is there to rebuild body parts from stem cells.

On a personal level, when I was in a dentist's chair, I had a vision of super dental hygenists rebuilding my body from a past life. Believe it or not, these beings worked on my teeth as the first step in a "body rebuild". It doesn't stop there. With the Brotherhood of Christ, not only are bodies rebuilt, but minds and old civilizations as well.

Step by step, a new universe is being created that will never be destroyed.



Posted by qualteam at 11:55 PM EST
Updated: Saturday, 9 February 2008 12:28 AM EST

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