Many writers, inventors and successful people are able to see a greater reality in the past, present and the future by "Seeing in the Mind's Eye". Part of this is imagination, part is memory and part is mystical communication or linking. Science fiction writers such as Steven Speilburg, George Lucas, Gene Roddenberry and L. Ron Hubbard have used to this ability to create their cosmic views of the universe.
Much of the material on aliens on the internet is very negative. Probably because alien abuctions are not the legal or proper ways to meet strangers. Therefore, it recommended that alien seekers stay away from the Greys, Nephilim, and Marcabs.
Most of us would like to meet a cute E.T., a Jedi Knight or someone from the Q Continuum.
The aliens connected with the illuminati or other weird groups are the bad guys and there is protection from them through "The Brotherhood of Christ" which I wrote about in my blog entries on the right.
There are rewards and risks from first contact with more advanced civilizations. Hopefully, the new contactees will be hand-picked for their independent viewpoints which doesn't include bias political and/or religious agendas.