From my research and personal past life memories, I have concluded that Earth has been a prison planet for 1.5 million years. There are others who share this view.
About a million years ago, it was made into minimum security prison for powerful beings that resembled Q from "The Q Continuum". There were dysfunction Qs at the time who couldn't face past deaths, couldn't orientate their behavior to service to others and couldn't develop their skills beyond a certain point.
I used Twilight Zone episodes to illustrate examples of the rehabilitaton therapy used. The therapy simulated past memories in the beings and the problems were reproduced as holodeck dramas.
There was some success using these techniques with the Qs and 4D souls, but not with lower beings. They became obsessed by the computer technology used to create these holodeck programs. Many became cyborgs who became infected with computer viruses.
The cyborgs were terminated and the souls reincarnated as different species of humans. The humans lived simple lives of survival on Earth. Most souls were returned to a state of innocence without past life memories or the computer virus. Earth was a medium security prison at that time. This era was from 800,000 BC to 700,000 BC.
Both humans on Marduk/Tiamat (where the Astroid Belt is) and Earth were under these prison conditions.
Unfortunately, the Mardukian humans were contaminated by an alien race called "The Annunaki" who were trying to create a master race by gene splicing. This lead to wars against "inferior races" which resulted in Marduk/Tiamat getting destroyed by a mysterious weapon.
Billions of souls were fused together from this destruction. This was talked about by David Wilcock in his GAIA Wisdom Teachings taken from "The Law of One". When the souls were separated by "The RA Collective", most of them were placed in Neanderthal bodies.
The evil being who engineered the destruction of Marduk and the fusion of souls was known as Lucifer. From a 21st century perpective, he probably looked and sounded like Star Wars' Emperor Palpatine, a master of "The Dark Side of the Force".
Earth then became a maximum security prison. Quarantine was instituted by the Galaxy Foundation.
Lucifer was able to harness the fear, hatred and pain from the fused souls of Marduk to manipulate both the Annunaki and humans to do his will. Those who rebelled against him were sent to Earth where they mined for gold until they rotted in hell. This was about 300,000 years ago.
The original Hell wasn't perfect. There would be numerous rebellions and escapes. No one wants to be slave for countless years. Humans yearn for freedom.
Lucifer refined the holodeck programs into a programable Matrix where souls would be deluded that they were in Heaven and he was their god. If a person didn't know they were in Hell, they wouldn't try to escape.
Pain, fear, hatred and delusions exerted almost perfect control over man.
The history of man ran red with rivers of blood in endless wars.
Human negative emotion became fodder for evil spirits who were trained in the dark side of the force.
It was into this environment that the Salvation Plan of God was implemented around 2000 BC by Jesus Christ.
The job for Jesus was to undo "The Works of the Devil. It took a great deal of courage to attack evil, sin and pain in the timeless chaos where it was festering.
Jesus/Neo decended into Hell(The Matrix) and took "The Red Pill" which enabled him to see the truth and destroy agent Smith (Lucifer's avatar).
To become a Christian is to share Christ's life, death, descent, resurrection and Ascension. This was a major victory over evil.
The Devil's Kingdom in the 21st century is now referred to as "The Deep State". The end goal of the Deep State is slavery for every man, woman and child on Earth. They are capable of bringing hell on Earth. They must be stopped.
Corey Goode and David Wilcock have great confidence that the Deep State/Cabal can be taken down by an Earth Alliance. That's ok, but there are other powerful groups involved in Full Disclosure which include positive ETs and The Extraterrestial Church Christ.
Any earth group is susceptible to infiltration by the enemy. Qanon is an good example of this.
The Secret Space Program mentioned by several whistleblowers is trying to bring about Full Disclosure. The lastest intel from Corey Goode moves the narrative in that direction.
There is a job for all of us (man or ET) to do before "The Second Coming of Christ".
"There is nothing hidden that won't be revealed".
Mankind will soon be free from the tentacles of Hell and the armies of the night.