While you can go to a school or a church to learn about heaven/hell, past lives, out of body experiences, aliens, etc. There really isn't an Afterlife 101 that deals with all possibilities of life after death in a step by step fashion.
This subject is often approached through religious dogma, personal mysticism, spiritual guides or maybe even the akashic library. There are many sources for this type of information. I'd like to think that even science fiction can give you some insight into the next world. Check out "The Twilight Zone", "The Q-Continuum" and some of my blog entries under the heading "My Cosmic Views Of The Universe" further down on the right hand side of this page.
It would be nice if there were spiritual hyperlinks to all the information that we wanted, but we're stuck with the internet and its links. It can be hard slugging at times.
On the way to discovering your own personal afterlife, you'll probably run into old gods like"The Annunaki", and "The Galactic Federation" with or without light.
We're on a journey through this world to a destination that is a complete mystery to many. It doesn't have to be this way. "Seek and you will find", "Knock and the door will be opened to you"."Ask and it will be given".
Are you going to sign up for "Afterlife 101" or have you already taken it?