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David Barron

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Friday, 22 April 2011
Inside The Jesus App

Most "Jesus Apps" relate to the traditional view of Jesus and passages out of the Bible. It's comfort food for believers.

My particular Jesus App relates to "The Development of The Brotherhood of Christ From One A.D to Present Time".

As well as biblical scripture and my own experiences, sources for "My Cosmic Visions of The Universe" include Gene Roddenberry, George Lucas, Kurt Vonnegut and Rod Sterling.

I believe that we've all looked through the same space-time portal and discovered things of interest out "there" (i.e. the neighbourhood universe).

Some of this knowledge could have been obtained by "Out Of Body Experiences" or spiritual studies of one kind or the other.

Basically, I'm a Christian Gnostic who believes that all spirirtual roads lead to the Jesus App and the Jesus App leads to Jesus.

There has been too much dogma and divisions in the traditional churches for them to be spokespeople for "The Church of Christ In The 21st Century". The arguments between Christian sects can only be resolved by  more personal visions from divine sources. One finds his own Jesus in his own way.

There is much to learn from the Bible and biblical quotations. These are definitely part of "The Universal Jesus App", but it doesn't end there. God's internet has connected to mankind's internet.

I wish you and your family a Happy Easter.

Posted by qualteam at 11:37 AM EDT
Updated: Friday, 22 April 2011 1:53 PM EDT

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