The 1950s was an age of conformity where "the establishment" in politics, religion and culture dictated what people were suppose to believe in and follow.
The Christian religion hadn't seen a prophet in 1900 years and most sects were arguing over interpretations of the Bible. Into this mental and emotional straitjacket came the pulsating energy of rock and roll. A new age was born and Elvis was its king.
On the right side of this blog are my entries on these new age movements. The Christian Religion wasn't a canned belief system anymore. It seemed to point the way mystically to a higher spiritual life which wanted to communicate to us directly. This was more than the eternal life in Christ. It was "the eternal youthful life" in Christ.
At the same time, insights into life beyond Earth and before birth, began to explode. This expressed itself in alternate religions like Echankar, Scientology, Hare Krishna, Zen Buddism, etc.
Added to the above were the science fiction visions of Gene Roddenbury, Kurt Vonnegut, Richard Matheson, George Lucas, JK Rowlings and Rod Sterling. The study of UFOs began to be taken seriously.
I would call this loosely connected "New Age Movement", Christianity without heavy baggage (i.e. The Church of Elvis).
We're now connecting to each other and "A New Universal Brotherhood" through the internet.