The Spanish Flu ended in 1920 without vaccinations or antivirals. There were different reasons for this and I went into them with this blog.
The biggest COVID booster over the last two years was the fearmongering from Neil Ferguson and his cronies from the Imperial College. I've fought relentless battles against them with my twitter posts.
It looks like we may have finally won against the fearmongers in Canada.
Both vaccinations and natural immunity are producing good outcomes against COVID.
UK Prime Minster Boris Johnson separated himself from the fearmodelling and took a course much like Sweden.
There was/is this crazy ideology called COVIDzero that many top doctors were using against COVIDvariants and Omicron.
Fear spreads quicker than any virus and fear lowers the immune system.
Doctors should have known better, but when you're in a panic attack rationality disappeared.
Every night, I prayed for healing of COVID in the world. As of today, there are 290,608,504 recovered cases on the planet, 71,345,679 mild cases (99.9%) and 95,838 severe (0.1%).
The positive outcomes can't be denied.
We're winning the end game against COVID/Omicron and fearmongering.