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Sunday, 15 June 2014
Top Facts About Ontario's Debt/Deficit

Since 1990, Ontario's debt has increased from 38 billion to 300 billion in 2014. There were three different governments during that time: Bob Rae's NDP, Mike Harris' Conservatives and McGuinty's/Wynne's Liberals. There's even a wikipedia entry on Ontario's debt as it increased year by year.

There should have been a debate or, at least, an attempt by the politicians of the three parties to enlighten the public on the size of the debt and how it compares to other states/provinces and what can be done about it.

Here are the top facts:

  1. The Premier of Quebec, Phillippe Couillard, is taking decisive action against Quebec's Debt.  What is Kathleen Wynne's plan? I didn't hear much about it during the election.
  2. Ontario's "revenue to debt total" is worse than any other province including Quebec.
  3. Ontario's debt is worse that California's.
  4. Servicing Ontario's debt is the fourth largest expense in the budget.
  5. Debt servicing costs are monies that aren't going to health care, roads, education, etc. Debt servicing cost is the millstone around the government's neck.
  6. A quick overview of Ontario's debt compared to the other provinces.
  7. A look at "The 2012 Drummond Report" that suggested solutions to Ontario's debt problems.
  8. Are Ontario governments addicted to debt???
  9. Ontario's debt burden keeps getting worse.
Hopefully, these debt/deficit problems can be handled over the next four years. At least, by then, we should know where we're going on this huge issue.



Posted by qualteam at 10:12 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 19 June 2014 7:35 PM EDT

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