On occasion, I've seen documentaries on "The Inevitability of Catastrophes Hitting Earth". It's so depressing that sometimes I think: Why try to make the world a better place when it's all going to be destroyed anyway"? Then I give myself a reality check. I believe in God and "The Power Of The Supreme Being".
Mankind has went through many catastrophes (plagues, wars, famines, enviromental disasters, etc.) and come out the better for it. Why? Because through those bad times, some had a vision of a better world or a "Kingdom of God".
During the 1950s and 60s, many preached about the inevitability of nuclear war. "It was going to happen because there was nobody around to stop it". "Mutual Assured Destruction" was the order of the day. Do you remember "The Cuban Missile Crisis"? This was the closest the world ever came to nuclear war.
The U.S. and Soviet Union had the power to destroy the world four times over, but it didn't happen. The arms race came to end when the Soviet Union broke up.
I believe that the prayers of Christians were answered by the break up of the U.S.S.R. We sought divine protection from the arms race and the Lord responded to us.
I am now deeply troubled by enviromental menaces like the Japanese earthquake and tsunami. I asked the Lord to spare us from those catastrophes for a long time:
"I pray for more weather/earthquake/tsumani control over planet Earth. I know that the powers that cause those catastrophes can be bound and I ask you (God) to bind them for a long time. In the name of Jesus Christ, I ask this. Amen.
I request that more spiritual beings in the Kingdom of God get advanced training in weather and enviromental control on Earth.
On a spiritual and physical level, we are here to serve and protect".
I don't like going through life as a helpless victum of destructive forces and negative thinking. There is a way to plug into a positive power greater than oneself.