If you think you know a lot about Canada, try this test. I got 96% on it while Bob got only 85%. Put on a tuque, drink a few beers and when you start "feeling Canadian" go to it. We challenge you to beat our scores. This is the quiz link.
Here's a list of Canadian stuff that you probably don't have a clue about. Maybe, you might reach Canadian enlightenment or baffle your friends at parties, eh.
- Isaac Brock, a British general, protected us from invading Yankees in 1812. If he didn't do that, we would all be talking American and carrying hand guns.
- Keifer Sutherland is the grandson of the greatest Canadian who ever lived Tommy Douglas. Most Canadians don't even know that.
- The greatest Prime Minister of Canada was Lester B. Pearson. He gave us the Canadian Flag and the Canada Pension Plan. Not bad for someone who never had a majority in Parliament. He also started those peace keeping programs in the U.N. which provided jobs for the unemployed.
- The fans of the Toronto Maple Leafs are the most dedicated in the world because they fill up the Air Canada Centre for every game. The Leafs haven't won a Stanley Cup since 1967.
- Native Rights and Multiculturalism are parts of the Canadian way of life. We're all different. Some drink from stubbies and others drink from cans or "big ones". We don't care what you've got on your head. You can be a mountie or a cop with just about anything on it.
- Canada sells more oil to the U.S. than anyone else. Why deal with hostile greedy Arabs when you can deal with friendly, greedy Canadians?
- Newfoundland was discovered by John Cabot in 1497, but waited until 1949 to become a province. That only shows that Newfies wanted to have a better deal out of Confederation than most of us, especially with Unemployment Insurance. It's easier to draw it there than Ontario or Alberta.
- Funny Canucks have produced such oddities like "Corner Gas" and "The Comedy Network" while other comics were making movies or making fun of people in your neighbourhood.
I hoped you've learned something about what it means to be a Canadian. For a greater understanding of this subject check out "The Canadian Beaver Video" on YouTube.
Posted by qualteam
at 10:49 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 1 July 2009 11:45 PM EDT