The Barron Blog was created on Feb/13/2003 and now contains over 1388 entries on practically every subject under the sun.
The highlights of this Blog are listed on the right. The funniest parts are placed in "my top ten lists".
Links to Barron Blog entries through pictures can be found here.
Perhaps, my most profound or controversial entries concern "The Brotherhood of Jesus Christ" and how one would connect to it. I've taken a mystical approach on matters of spirituality and the afterlife. If it isn't true for you, it isn't true for you.
Good music is also close to my heart and my blog and connected websites contain over a hundred songs and music videos.
Over the last year or so, I've tried to put some optimism into the world of investment and finance. This was a tough go for me, but you can't give up the ship because there's a storm on the ocean. We just have to make our survival and investment skills better in a time of painful recession.
The internet is a big mind that links us together. Hopefully, you've got a smile or an insight into something from your studies. I've tried to put my best thoughts, links and experiences into it.
Thanks for visiting. Send me a message on anything.