Welcome to manipulative and extreme intimidation.
I've developed an insight into "The Timeshare Billing Scheme" of putting ever increasing penalties for not paying
their membership fees.
This practice relates back to their "unofficial exit option" of $2000. "If you don't pay $2000, we'll foreclosure
and you'll have to pay $17,500." This is an attempt to make the lesser amount more palpable, so that you will pay it:
I call it "Psychological Extortion".
This turns up in the billing process "if you don't pay by such a date then you'll have to pay more, progressively
more". No exit option is offered from these "manipulation and coercive actions".
Like I've stated before "Timeshare members and seniors are treated like cattle and milked for whatever can be gotten
out of them. I firmly believe that Timeshare abuses cost seniors/consumers and the tourist industry many millions every year
in the U.S. and Canada."