Vortex tunnels are prevalent in the universe to travel quickly from galaxy
to galaxy. Rod Serling created them in his mind to travel from one reality to another.

Disneyland might describe the conditions of the universe when it was first
created. It was like a big theme park for children. Similar existences and life forms were segregated into
different parks(i.e. planets). All of this creativity appealed to the child spirit in all of us. What
has it become now? You be the judge.

In the Wizard of Oz, the vortex tunnel was a tornado. It was case of going
back to where one came from. Was it Kansas, or Oz?

In advanced civilizations, one can stay young for a long, long time. There
are also mini rocket packs that can assist one in "flying".
For some, "soul-traveling" can be very exciting. For others,
it's a quest to find the right kind of pixie dust that does the job.
What is your favourite alternate existence?