There is considerable evidence of extraterrestrial contact with human beings. Whether this is in the body or not remains to be seen. It appears that certain ETs are tracking certain individuals.
It also appears there are alien soul families that keep in touch with kindred spirits through abduction or other kinds of contact.
Christianity has always tried to recruit souls to its spiritual brotherhood led by Jesus Christ. "I shall make you fishers of men".
There is considerable debate on why extraterrestrials are here. Richard Dolan wrote a book on this subject called "Alien Agendas". The TV series "Ancient Aliens" looked at the influence of extraterrestrials thoughout history.
Hundreds of thousands of years ago, perhaps, the Annunaki were using humans as slaves to mine gold. Today, however, many of the aliens are shutting down nuclear missiles.
From my point of view, the main resources on this planet aren't gold, nuclear bombs or technology. The main resources are souls. They come in all states of consciousness/unconscousness with all kinds of abilities and disabilities.
Are you aware there are other bodies in existence that a sentient soul can use like an android or a photonic body? Check out "Data" and the "Doctor" from different Star Trek series.
Different civilizations out there are looking for souls who would fit into their high tech civilizations. StarTrekQ said to Picard "the trial never ends" .
Are you up for big challenges and jobs in the Afterlife? Perhaps, you should consider your options.