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Thursday, 7 May 2015
The Top Ten Black Projects In The Black Budget

Welcome to "The Industrial/Military/Intelligence Complex" that some call the "The Apparatus". I don't know all the projects that are in the big black book above, but I know a few. I also have some idea of what the cost is. To call the "Black Budget" a sinkhole is an understatement. Maybe, a black hole where no cash escapes.


  1. It's hard to find out who's really in charge of "The Special Access Programs". It could be a group of humans, hybrids, aliens or some big SAP czar/boss hog who calls the shots. 
  2. "The Secret Space Program" is the number one black project over the last 40 years. It seems to become more complex and crazy as it adapts to different alien groups.
  3. A great deal of time has been spent on reversing technology of ET spacecrafts. The U.S. TR3-B is a good example of this.
  4. Underground bases: There were massive cost overruns on the new Denver airport, and apparently, there is a complete city underneath where the inner elite can go in case of a catastrophe. It's probably a heck of an improvement over the hell hole at Dulce.
  5. Time Travel Experiments at Montauk: Time travel? Mind control? Really weird stuff? Who knows? It's a mind-blowing, brain-scrambling black project.
  6. HAARP: It's hard to know what HAARP is all about. Grid microwave towers bounce low energy waves off the ionosphere. It could be a weapon. It could be a weather control device. It could be a GPS that locates secret alien bases.
  7. Soul Transfer Programs: I'm unsure whether this is a pure alien program or a combined military/ET experiment. Karla Turner gave a long lecture on what happens during abductions. This includes taking the soul out of one body and placing it into a hybrid body. I think a saw a Three Stooges' movie where Curly's soul was transferred to a gorilla.
  8. Martian Super Soldiers:  Randy Kramer and Mark Richards are two examples of these soldiers. They served 20 years on Mars then time traveled back to the present. Sounds like the movie "Total Recall". They could have been soldiers on a secret mission somewhere, and then implanted with memories on Mars. 
  9. Sandy Hook Murders: There is much evidence that this was a simulated event to desensitize Americans about mass murder. Check it out.
  10. Plastic Coffins: At last count, there were 500,000 of them. Is someone anticipating a demand for cheap funerals very soon?
It is obvious that both the executive and legislative branches of the U.S. Government should have oversight over the Black Budget and the black budget projects. The President and a special "Black Budget Committee" should have "Cosmic Top Secret Clearance" to deal with the accountability and monetary issues of Special Access Programs.
Senator, John McCain has stated recently that waste in Government should be a major issue in the 2016 election. Hopefully, someone will hit him on the head with the lack of oversight and accountability on The Black Budget.
P.S. There is evidence that presidents had "Top Secret Clearance", but not "Cosmic Top Secret Clearance". There is a story that when President Carter asked about certain UFO material he was told by then CIA director George H. Bush. "If I showed you that Jimmy, I would have to kill you".
P.S. In doing research as to who "Boss Hog or Boss Hogs" of the Black Projects might be, I couldn't find anything. I could only find lots of people worrying about the expenditures and the effect on the economy. It's obvious to me this subject is more secretive that UFOs. The Black Budget is above "Top Secret". It's "Cosmic Top Secret".


Posted by qualteam at 10:04 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, 11 May 2015 8:27 AM EDT
Wednesday, 22 April 2015
Bringing Oversight And Accountability To The Black Budget

It is true the military receives the biggest part of the black budget . They don't have "to worry" about anything because oversight or accountability isn't part of "National Security".

Catherine Austin Fitts, a financial insider on various kinds of open and secret government budgets revealed much about the Black Budget at "The Secret Space Program Conference" last year. The videos of Donald Rumsfeld being questioned over deficits and missing money were remarkable. A butter knife was sharper than him.

The military has always overpaid for just about everything. Do you remember when the military paid hundreds of dollars for small items like hammers and toilet seats?

No one knows how much money is allocated to black projects or what the results are. If no auditor general is looking after the books, then waste could be happening at any level of a black project. This is similar to Canadian senator Mike Duffy using taxpayer money for whatever he pleased.

There's no help from President Obama on these issues. He's totally onside with The Black Budget with no transparency. The main excuses are threats relating to national security.

However, the biggest threat to world over the last 10 years wasn't terrorism, or nuclear weapons, it was the financial crisis of 2008-9 that almost brought down many of the world largest banks.

I wrote several blogs on this massive problem:"Time To Bring To Justice Those Who Were Responsible For The Toxic Paper","Time To Bring Law And Order To Wall Street", "The Top Ten Poster Boys Of The Financial Crisis".

If people are not punished and even rewarded for screwing up, situations like these will happen again, and again, and again.  

I, therefore, recommend an objective third party to audit all black budget accounts dating back over the last 70 years. We deserve to know how well taxpayer's money has been spent.

The financial department of "The ET Alliance" will do the auditing. Catherine Austin FittsRichard Dolan and Michael Salla will assist. 

Posted by qualteam at 10:27 PM EDT
Updated: Saturday, 25 April 2015 10:55 PM EDT
Wednesday, 15 April 2015
What Are We Getting For Our Tax Dollars With America's Black Budget?

I would like to see “Black Budget Accountability” as an issue in the next presidential election.

Richard Dolan and Catherine Austin Fitts stated last year at a Secret Space Program Conference that “there was corruption in the Black Budget”.

Why doesn’t this become a political issue?  Remember, “The Quebec Sponsorship Scandal" that ended Paul Martin’s Liberal Government?

Then there was the “Gas Plant Scandal" that almost defeated the Ontario Liberals last year. Both the Canadian/Ontario media had a field day with these scandals.

At the Disclosure event that I was at last Saturday, Steven Bassett said there were CIA agents in the major newspapers in the U.S. Wouldn’t something like that be illegal? Newspapers have 1st Amendment protection on what it writes.

There is undue influence of “The Industrial/Military/Intelligence” Complex" on the U.S. Government, the media and classified material. This is another election issue.

I think “Black Budget Secrecy” is a major barrier to Disclosure. I wrote about this on my blog “Barriers to Disclosures” at

 If the American taxpayer is being ripped off for billions and even trillions of dollars, it should be an election issue. In Canada, this would defeat governments.

Back in the 1980s and earlier 90s, I worked hard to make politicians aware of the size of Canada's Deficit. It paid off.

As for the military insignia above, you may be amused or not by the translation. 

P.S. I'm going to do more research on The Black Budget to see if it's humanly possible for the culture of entitlement, secrecy and paranoia to change. So far, I've only discovered one book on the subject Tim Weiner's "Blank Check"

P.S. Canadian Senator Mike Duffy is on trial for financial fraud.  


Posted by qualteam at 2:01 PM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 21 April 2015 10:45 AM EDT
Wednesday, 8 April 2015
The Galactic Police Force

Most Ufologists don't talk about alien police forces. One of the reasons could be is that they're too damn scary. Even a gray or reptilian ET would be afraid of the thing above.The powers that it possesses would be unknown to many alien races.

I could just see the officer above pulling over a reptilian/gray spaceship. "It appears you're conducting human abductions without informed consent or compensation. You will come with me or be annihilated. Non-compliance is not tolerated".

In earlier blogs, I addressed the subjects of law enforcement and military defense from a higher power.  

I'm constrained about telling more about these activities because of the secret nature of field work and special projects.




Posted by qualteam at 11:11 AM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 22 April 2015 1:54 PM EDT
Tuesday, 31 March 2015
A Top Ten Alien Contactee List

The bonds of blood can be quite strong in any family, but just imagine the bonds between souls of different life forms. They can carry over from one lifetime to the next. In examining the stories of various contactees with alien groups and individuals,  I discovered that bonding of one kind or another was a common factor in most cases.

Here's my top ten list on this subject:


  1. Alex Collier: Alex is a noted researcher into the different kinds of alien races which have visited Earth over the last few thousand years. He has worked closely with Michael Salla who helped develop the subject of Exopolitics. Alex began his association with the Andromedans when he was a child. Apparently, he was part of this group 62,000 years ago in Lemuria. There are many videos of Alex on Youtube, but the link with his name is the best.
  2. George Van Tassel: He was the first person to contact "Ashtar and The Ashtar Command". He was also the first person to give UFO conferences for contactees and other believers in the 1950s. The belief in Ashtar seems to be a new age concept of the Second Coming of Christ and the Apocalypse.  
  3. Simon Parkes: This was another story of a bond to a brotherhood that goes back earlier than this life. This time it was with "The Mantis Aliens" who treated Simon with a great deal of respect and affection. One of the ETs, even identified itself as his mother. This wasn't just a contact case. Simon's soul was transferred to a Mantis body where he operated as one of them. Needless to say, this didn't bother him at all. He fitted into this society very well. 
  4. Charles Hall: He was just an enlisted man who was chosen in 1965 by "The Tall Whites" to be their pet. Over the next two years, he discovered that the aliens liked to raise their children in arid deserts and they liked to entertain themselves by gambling(i.e. Las Vegas). This is first indication that Earth is a desirable spot for alien tourists looking for a good time. Part of the entertainment is probably having sex with humans.
  5. Bob Dean: Ever since he was snatched out of deep water by invisible hands at three years of age, Bob had something protecting him from death. This protection was in the Korean war and Viet Nam war as well. He doesn't name the beings responsible, but he stated there was a powerful spiritual presence there. Project Camelot did three or four interviews with Bob, check them out. They give more background on his religious beliefs and experiences.
  6. Mark Richards: His story sounded like "John Carter on Mars". He fought with "The Earth Defense Force" against hostile reptilians on the red planet. Amazingly, Mark is protected against assassination by a raptor buddy that he met on Mars. Luckily, the raptor has given up eating people or Mark could be on the menu for their next lunch together.
  7. President Eisenhower: Ike met two or three times with different ETs. Unfortunately, he signed an agreement with the wrong side. When you're scared, confused and unenlightened about ETs, it's difficult to think clearly.
  8. George Adamski: His photos of spaceships were never debunked. Supposedly, he was the first human in the 20th century to be given a free ride in a spaceship. He was like a kid in a candy store and that's why the aliens probably liked him.
  9. Billy Meier: The alien (Pleiadians/Plejaren) he met when he was a child was looking for converts to his non-religious religious views. Billy's website is mind-numbingly complicated about these spiritual precepts. 
  10. Betty Andreasson Luca: It started as a routine alien abduction by the Grays, but ended up with an encounter with "The One". This could have been a traumatic experience similar to Travis Walton's abduction, but it changed into a positive spiritual experience because of Betty's Christian religious beliefs.
There are two honourable mentions that didn't make the top ten, Bill Ryan of Project Camelot and Tom T. Moore. Bill talks about a personal remarkable healing incident relating to other ET encounters, and Tom talks about First Contact scenarios in the near future relating to "Disclosure".
To sum up, the aliens recognized kindred spirits and felt comfortable about initiating direct contact with certain humans. What do you think?


Posted by qualteam at 4:32 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 5 April 2015 11:19 AM EDT
Saturday, 14 March 2015
It's Easy To Become Well Informed On UFOs And ETs

All you need is an internet connection and a strong desire to know what has been going for the last 100 years or so. If you want learn about ETs who were here thousands of years ago, check out Ancient Aliens.

The modern age for UFOs began at the end of the 19th century with a crash in Aurora Texas. This was well documented because there weren't any government agents around to create disinformation.

The main information about flying saucers and aliens come from whistleblowers and witnesses of crashed UFOs. There is a video on top ten whistleblowers and another on top ten UFO crashes.

Another way of contacting ETs is through channeling which leads to contacting aliens directly or gaining secret information on alien cultures. George Van Tassel in the 1950s was a prime example of an ET psychic. Some might consider him six parts science fiction and six parts new age religion.

Two of the men, I admire the most in ufology are Stanton Friedman and Richard Dolan. They both bring a great deal of common sense and practical experience to this subject.

There are also many fine documentaries on UFOs. Two of the best are "I Know What I Saw" and "Fastwalkers".

This phenomena isn't limited to the U.S. Russia has some good documentaries of their own. Russian researchers also wrote a book on the different kinds of alien races that have visited Earth. 

There's even a documentary on the airforce base (Wright/Patterson) where crashed UFOs and alien bodies were sent in the 50s, 60s, and 70s. 

If you'd like an overview of the UFO coverup over the last 70 years, check out "The Washington Disclosure Hearings In 2013"

Last but not least are fascinating human abduction experiences. My personal favorites are Karla Turner's videos on horrifying abductions. They are not for the faint of heart. 

There is more material on UFOs than this, but I've tried to select information that would be the most real to the average person on the street. 



Posted by qualteam at 10:50 PM EDT
Updated: Friday, 20 March 2015 12:16 AM EDT
Tuesday, 3 March 2015
Star Trek Has Opened Doors To The Universe

In 1938, great fear of extraterrestrial life first appeared during a radio broadcast of H.G. Well's "War of the Worlds". Something went off in the subconscious minds of thousands of people and they fled looking for a place to hide from malevolent aliens. 

Later on in 1942,  a mysterious object  suddenly appeared near Los Angeles and the military went crazy trying to shoot it down. This was followed by "The Foo Fighters"  who monitored both the allies and "The Axis Powers" aircraft.

Even before the crash at Roswell in 1947, the U.S. military was on guard concerning extraterrestrial activities. They made a point of recruiting many Nazi scientists after WW2 to find out what they knew.

Both the military and the general population were very afraid of anyone or anything from outer space. During the 1950s, "The Day The Earth Stood Still""Forbidden Planet" and "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" were the best of that sci/fi genre. 

Into this atmosphere of dread and confusion, the U.S. Government and military decided to put a lid on UFO information. This story is well told in a documentary entitled "The Secret". 

In the earlier 1960s, the UFO situation got worse and so did the coverups. There was the abduction of Betty and Barney Hill, JFK's suspicious death and "Dark Skies" . 

However, the later 1960s gave way to the counter-culture of the hippie movement and suddenly conformity and authoritative institutions were "uncool"

Ahead of its time even for the hippies and the general population, Gene Roddenberry's Star Trek was viewed by sci/fi fanatics only. Yet, it laid the basis of how many of us view the universe today.

The series seemed to be a combination of remote viewingpast lives and imagination.

Mr. Spock was truly the first alien that most of us could relate to. Vulcan was an alien planet, but we could understand and appreciate its culture.

Star Trek in its many incarnations, certainly prepared us for unpleasant aliens who could do us harm. "The Borg" reminded me of the "Grays": Their lack of individualism, the need to incorporate another race's DNA into their own, and the hive mentality.

"The Hirogens" reminded me of the Reptilians and their to desire to conquer people who they considered game. In the Killing Game, the race is both associated with the Nazis and the holodeck which fits this species perfectly. 

On several occasions, Star Trek crews dealt with Olympian gods like "Apollo", superbeings like "Q" and master illusionists like "The Talosians".

When new powerful extraterrestrials were discovered, the Star Trek crews didn't quake with fear and classify everything top secret. They met the challenge and survived.

Below is a "declassified photo" of an Hirogen:





Posted by qualteam at 5:01 PM EST
Updated: Wednesday, 4 March 2015 10:37 PM EST
Sunday, 22 February 2015
First Contact Protocols

When Klaatu, the ET in the movie "The Day The Earth Stood Still", visited Earth he made three major mistakes with proper protocols.


  1. He didn't prepare his audience for the meeting with friendly human-oriented communications like in my blog "First Contact Day In The Near Future". The saucer touched down in Washington and who was waiting for him: The military. 
  2. Klaatu brought a weapon of mass destruction with him (A super robot called "Gort".) This machine created a great deal of fear amongst the military and the general public. This is not the type of atmosphere you want to create with a friendly visit.
  3. At the end of the movie, Klaatu preaches about how destructive nuclear weapons are. Really??? After Hiroshima and Nagasaki, we knew how destructive nuclear weapons are. Treating political leaders and the military like children is not going to impress anyone. 
Despite these issues, The Day The Earth Stood Still is still one of the best science fiction films of all time.
Since Roswell, there has been a strong desire for many of us to meet with extraterrestrials. Psychics began channelling ETs from all over the world. One of the most famous was George Van Tassel of Giant Rock. He channeled "The Ashtar Command", an Earth defense force in outer space.
Apparently, there was contact between members of the above group and President Eisenhower during the 1950s, but no agreement was made because he signed an earlier agreement with the Grays or Annunakis.
These meetings were not "first contacts", but self-serving exopolitical deals seeking advantages over enemies.
There must be proper protocols for First Contact to be successful. Just dropping a spaceship down somewhere and improvising isn't the answer. This is how Tom T. Moore and many others view First Contact. It just happens.
There has to be a plan that minimizes prejudicial antagonism and opens the door to "The Reality of Extraterrestrials on Earth" which is another name for "Disclosure".  

 It is my suggestion that First Contact follow the following steps.


  1. Friendly communications are sent as outlined in my blog. These messages could be sent by radio, TV, and the internet in an attempt to reach ever person on the Earth. There should also be a proclamation that no weapons are on board.
  2. A universal flag of peace should be flown from the spaceship.
  3. Instructions are sent for the first invitees. They would be part of the UFO community that has been earnestly trying to establish the truth of UFO contacts over the last 70 years.
  4. Religious leaders and extraterrestrial channelers would be next. If they had any questions to ask the ETs, it would be at this time.
  5. An open forum would be held for the media and political leaders. Again, all questions would be answered as much as possible.
The main purpose of the visit would be to be to set the record straight on extraterrestrial activity that have worried and frightened many around the world. I listed this agenda in my last blog on this page.

Posted by qualteam at 12:03 AM EST
Updated: Monday, 23 February 2015 9:11 PM EST
Sunday, 15 February 2015
Extraterrestrials Should Participate in Disclosure Hearings

I sent this email to a Ufologist who channels good ETs:

"I’ve listened to some of your lectures. I appreciate the fact that you channel positive beings in this universe.

As you know, there are formidable barriers to getting the truth out of governments (especially the U.S.) with regards to UFO contact.

It's obvious that extraterrestrials have to give evidence at Disclosure hearings in order establish the truth about "reverse engineering", "UFO crashes", "sightings", "abductions", etc. What did the aliens do and what did the humans do? We want the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. We want witnesses that are reliable.

U.S. citizens and mankind deserve to know the truth about what has been going on for the last 70 years.

There's, at least, 57 alien groups that have been in conduct with Earth in recent years. Some of this contact has been very unpleasant like alien abductions.

I’m not asking aliens to create a utopian society on Earth or handle our environmental or international problems like war, disease, famine, etc. I just want them to be a part of an ongoing investigation that some of their members or non-members were involved in.

They can give their evidence and then leave.

I would appreciated it if you could contact your sources to facilitate this noble worthwhile endeavor.

So do not be afraid of them, for there is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known. The New Testament".

In any serious investigation like this all interested parties have to be present. 

P.S. First contact scenarios are on the horizon. 


Posted by qualteam at 5:33 PM EST
Updated: Saturday, 21 February 2015 9:57 AM EST
Monday, 2 February 2015
Barriers To Disclosure

 "So do not be afraid of them, for there is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known". Matthew 10:26.

As far as I can see black budget projects started during the Second World War with research into the atomic bomb and anti-gravity flying machines. You may not know this but when Nicola Tesla died in 1943 all of his papers were confiscated by the U.S. Government. Apparently, he was doing research into advanced propulsion systems. Much of this material is still in Government hands and highly classified.

Added to the above were Nazi secrets with regards to their anti-gravity machines, time travel devices and cloning technology. This was scary stuff especially if you were afraid that Russian spies would get hold of the technology. The UFO crash at Roswell  cemented the fact that a secret governing body (MJ12) was necessary to mislead individuals or spies about these secret black projects.

The major formidable barriers to "Disclosure" are listed below: 

  1.  The Black Budget Projects: Let's admit it, Black Budget projects are like a gravy train for companies, secret government agencies (e.g. the CIA) and even aliens. Who would want these massive revenues cutback? There's no accountability for them to the President, Congress or the American people. There could be big parties on Mars for selected insiders and who would know anything? Unless these BBPs become a political issue like the Ontario gas plant scandal, there's not going to be much information on where's the money is going and how big of a bang are the American people getting for their bucks.
  2. Disinformation Campaigns: Probably, the most famous disinformation campaign was 1988 TV show that featured "Falcon and Condor" talking about how a gray alien liked ice cream and Tibetian music. These campaigns make it hard for the average person to separate the truth from the lies.
  3. Dark Secrets of ETs: It's often hard to face evil especially if it's in your own backyard and the government is powerless to stop abductions. It's always good to have allies in high places.
  4. Legal Risks of Insiders: Obviously, to get disclosure there has to be a general amnesty for those involved in the coverup. Mass murder can never be condoned and it would be helpful if the aliens involved in the kidnappings, assaults, mind control, and murders were brought to justice by an intergalactic court.
  5. Prejudice Against Someone Who Doesn't Look Like Us: From what I read on aliens from a Christian fundamentalist perspective, they think all aliens are evil (i.e. demons) including the human looking ones.
  6. Reality Overwhelm: The post-disclosure world will be a shock to some people, even though, there will be many new and exciting possibilities. People have to get used to the idea that there's more to life than what's on this dirtball.
Welcome to the era of "TR3-Bs" and "The Belgium Wave".



Posted by qualteam at 4:02 PM EST
Updated: Monday, 9 February 2015 3:39 PM EST

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