When Klaatu, the ET in the movie "The Day The Earth Stood Still", visited Earth he made three major mistakes with proper protocols.
- He didn't prepare his audience for the meeting with friendly human-oriented communications like in my blog "First Contact Day In The Near Future". The saucer touched down in Washington and who was waiting for him: The military.
- Klaatu brought a weapon of mass destruction with him (A super robot called "Gort".) This machine created a great deal of fear amongst the military and the general public. This is not the type of atmosphere you want to create with a friendly visit.
- At the end of the movie, Klaatu preaches about how destructive nuclear weapons are. Really??? After Hiroshima and Nagasaki, we knew how destructive nuclear weapons are. Treating political leaders and the military like children is not going to impress anyone.
It is my suggestion that First Contact follow the following steps.
- Friendly communications are sent as outlined in my blog. These messages could be sent by radio, TV, and the internet in an attempt to reach ever person on the Earth. There should also be a proclamation that no weapons are on board.
- A universal flag of peace should be flown from the spaceship.
- Instructions are sent for the first invitees. They would be part of the UFO community that has been earnestly trying to establish the truth of UFO contacts over the last 70 years.
- Religious leaders and extraterrestrial channelers would be next. If they had any questions to ask the ETs, it would be at this time.
- An open forum would be held for the media and political leaders. Again, all questions would be answered as much as possible.