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Sunday, 15 February 2015
Extraterrestrials Should Participate in Disclosure Hearings

I sent this email to a Ufologist who channels good ETs:

"I’ve listened to some of your lectures. I appreciate the fact that you channel positive beings in this universe.

As you know, there are formidable barriers to getting the truth out of governments (especially the U.S.) with regards to UFO contact.

It's obvious that extraterrestrials have to give evidence at Disclosure hearings in order establish the truth about "reverse engineering", "UFO crashes", "sightings", "abductions", etc. What did the aliens do and what did the humans do? We want the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. We want witnesses that are reliable.

U.S. citizens and mankind deserve to know the truth about what has been going on for the last 70 years.

There's, at least, 57 alien groups that have been in conduct with Earth in recent years. Some of this contact has been very unpleasant like alien abductions.

I’m not asking aliens to create a utopian society on Earth or handle our environmental or international problems like war, disease, famine, etc. I just want them to be a part of an ongoing investigation that some of their members or non-members were involved in.

They can give their evidence and then leave.

I would appreciated it if you could contact your sources to facilitate this noble worthwhile endeavor.

So do not be afraid of them, for there is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known. The New Testament".

In any serious investigation like this all interested parties have to be present. 

P.S. First contact scenarios are on the horizon. 


Posted by qualteam at 5:33 PM EST
Updated: Saturday, 21 February 2015 9:57 AM EST
Monday, 2 February 2015
Barriers To Disclosure

 "So do not be afraid of them, for there is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known". Matthew 10:26.

As far as I can see black budget projects started during the Second World War with research into the atomic bomb and anti-gravity flying machines. You may not know this but when Nicola Tesla died in 1943 all of his papers were confiscated by the U.S. Government. Apparently, he was doing research into advanced propulsion systems. Much of this material is still in Government hands and highly classified.

Added to the above were Nazi secrets with regards to their anti-gravity machines, time travel devices and cloning technology. This was scary stuff especially if you were afraid that Russian spies would get hold of the technology. The UFO crash at Roswell  cemented the fact that a secret governing body (MJ12) was necessary to mislead individuals or spies about these secret black projects.

The major formidable barriers to "Disclosure" are listed below: 

  1.  The Black Budget Projects: Let's admit it, Black Budget projects are like a gravy train for companies, secret government agencies (e.g. the CIA) and even aliens. Who would want these massive revenues cutback? There's no accountability for them to the President, Congress or the American people. There could be big parties on Mars for selected insiders and who would know anything? Unless these BBPs become a political issue like the Ontario gas plant scandal, there's not going to be much information on where's the money is going and how big of a bang are the American people getting for their bucks.
  2. Disinformation Campaigns: Probably, the most famous disinformation campaign was 1988 TV show that featured "Falcon and Condor" talking about how a gray alien liked ice cream and Tibetian music. These campaigns make it hard for the average person to separate the truth from the lies.
  3. Dark Secrets of ETs: It's often hard to face evil especially if it's in your own backyard and the government is powerless to stop abductions. It's always good to have allies in high places.
  4. Legal Risks of Insiders: Obviously, to get disclosure there has to be a general amnesty for those involved in the coverup. Mass murder can never be condoned and it would be helpful if the aliens involved in the kidnappings, assaults, mind control, and murders were brought to justice by an intergalactic court.
  5. Prejudice Against Someone Who Doesn't Look Like Us: From what I read on aliens from a Christian fundamentalist perspective, they think all aliens are evil (i.e. demons) including the human looking ones.
  6. Reality Overwhelm: The post-disclosure world will be a shock to some people, even though, there will be many new and exciting possibilities. People have to get used to the idea that there's more to life than what's on this dirtball.
Welcome to the era of "TR3-Bs" and "The Belgium Wave".



Posted by qualteam at 4:02 PM EST
Updated: Monday, 9 February 2015 3:39 PM EST
Wednesday, 21 January 2015
First Contact Day In The Near Future

Here's a top ten list of those events that I think will happen when we make actual contact with those alien races that have been monitoring our planet.

A large TV scene in front of the spacecraft shows a video of K.D. Lang singing Hallelujah. I always start to cry when I hear this version of Leonard Cohen's song.

  1. On the large TV comes the words, "We love your music and art". This is followed by paintings from the masters and great music from Mozart, Beethoven, Chopin, etc. The last presentation is a video of teenagers dancing to "The Fly" by Chubby Checker. "This music makes us feel young again."
  2. Words appear on the TV screen again, "We like your science fiction, especially Star Trek and Star Wars. Our favourite characters are "Spock" and "Data". We don't like "Q". We like "Alex Guinness" who played "Obi-Wan-Kenobi" in the first Star Wars. He was a great actor.
  3. On the TV screen, the pictures of Rod SerlingGene RoddenberryGeorge LucasRichard Matheson appear followed by these words, "Earth's great prophets of the last century were mainly science fiction writers". We particularly like Mr. Serling's unique view of the afterlife in Twilight Zone episodes like "A Game of Pool" and "Nice Place To Visit".
  4. On the screen: "Our manual on "How To Serve Man" isn't a cookbook". The TV screen continues with images relating to words below.
  5. "All religious texts on Earth have much truth and wisdom in them. This includes Sumerian writings and India's Vedas".
  6. "Comedy on Earth is very original and creative. The majority of us like Jackie GleasonMel BrooksCarol Burnett and George Burns. We particularly liked George Burns playing God in "Oh God"."
  7. "Earth is one of the most beautiful planets in the Galaxy. We love your magnificent mountains, your placid lakes, your lush forests teeming with varied life forms. We love to meditate beside still waters and exquisite scenery."
  8. There is a pause for one minute and a video with regards to"Disclosure" is shown. "We have come to tell you what we know about contact between our members, individuals, and governments.
  9. The door of the spaceship opens and aliens of every kind and description come forward. They move to both sides of the ship to make way for their leader, a tall blond man, who looks like John Kennedy. He speaks passionately, "A great civilization is not one that has great weapons, fast spaceships or high technology. It is one that cares for every one of its citizens. It is one that believes in "Rule of Law" for everyone and equality of sentient beings". 
  10. "For criminal acts against humanity and violations of Galactic law, various GraysReptilians,Pleiadians,ProcyonsMantoids are being held in detention pending trial on your planet. Please bring the prisoners forward." They are lead away in electronic handcuffs and ankle cuffs. "We of the Galaxy Federation welcome Earth to our organization. Live, long and prosper."





Posted by qualteam at 1:03 PM EST
Updated: Monday, 2 February 2015 3:58 PM EST
Sunday, 18 January 2015
First Contact And Disclosure

In Star Trek mythology, "First Contact" should happen after a civilization "reaches faster than light speed.". The photo above is from the movie "First Contact". If you remember in the movie, "The Borg". attempted to stop first contact between Earth scientist, "Zefram Cochrane" and "The Vulcans". In a similar way, "The Greys" are trying to prevent disclosure of their activity on Earth.

I've found there are many similarities between The Borg and The Greys. Both work out of hives and lack individuality. Both attempt to assimilate civilisations that they target. Both are part human and part bionic.

There are many in the UFO community who worry about control of the Black Budget and secret scientific breakthroughs from black ops projects

Individuals like Richard Dolan and Steven Greer have voiced their serious concerns to the U.S Government. They have not been listened to.

I looked on the internet to see if any other race in the universe had trouble with "The Grays" and surprisingly I found a website. Check it out. I sent a link to this website to Mr. Dolan and other researchers.

While I support "The Disclosure Project" and I've signed the petition. I'd really like First Contact with a Galaxy Federation representation who tells us "Welcome to The Galaxy Federation", we're going to move our base from Andromeda to San Francisco.

"Live long and prosper, sir", we're glad you're here. 



Posted by qualteam at 4:44 PM EST
Updated: Monday, 19 January 2015 11:14 AM EST
Thursday, 25 December 2014
Christmas World

There's nothing about Christmas that changes much. The Christmas songs are almost the same, year in, year out. Santa still delivers toys with his low-tech sleigh and reindeer. Christmas decorations and lights still adorn Christmas trees and houses.

Nativity scenes are found in homes or churches.

All of this points to an eternal "Christmas World" where all that is good about this life and the next is preserved. 

This world is protected from evil, decay and exploitation. It is a world where peace, love, forgiveness and giving are found in abundance.

It is my hope that you and your family will find that eternal Christmas World and all the joy and love that goes with it.

Merry Christmas from the author of this blog (Dave) and my wife (Irene). 



Posted by qualteam at 9:49 AM EST
Updated: Thursday, 25 December 2014 10:19 AM EST
Thursday, 18 December 2014
Alien Abductions And Extraterrestrial Law Enforcement

To come up to speed on UFOs and government secrets, please check out UFO historian, Richard Dolan's lecture on this subject. Then check out the late Karla Turner's lecture on the recent history of alien abductions.

It is obvious to me that some aliens and humans are violating extraterrestrial and international law with regards to kidnapping, sexual interference, DNA theft, mind control, mental and emotional vampirism, etc. This alien hybridization program doesn't seem to have official sanction from any Galaxy Federation Council.  

The people of Earth are vulnerable to any hi-tech group that wants to brainwash them and/or sell their bodies, DNA, and memories on an alien black market.

As I mention earlier in this blog, the enforcement of Extraterrestrial Law is primarily on the shoulders of "The Brotherhood of Christ".

The heading "My Cosmic Views Of The Universe" goes into more depth on the  21th century Jesus and The Brotherhood.  

Up to the 20th century, Christianity looked like a box with a lid on it. Only certain interpretations of the Bible were allowed and no prophets or visionaries were allowed either. 

Sci-Fi writers like Gene RoddenberryKurt VonnegutRichard MathesonRod SterlingGeorge Lucas, Ron Hubbard, etc. opened up that box so mankind could see more of the universe and what's in it. 

I wouldn't collectively demonize any alien race (like reptilians) because certain members were criminals. 

Every alien individual accused of illegal and degrading acts on human beings would be given a fair trial and dealt with according to laws governing this planet and the galaxy. 

We serve. We protect. We enforce the law. 


Posted by qualteam at 10:33 PM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 23 December 2014 9:02 PM EST
Wednesday, 3 December 2014
The Defense Of Earth

The above picture looks like a scene from"Dark Skies". This was a 1990's TV series where there wasn't much of a defense against alien invasion because the U.S. Government was either in complete denial or covering it up.

To start off with, it appears that aliens have been interfering with Earth and its population for at least 450,00 years. The sources for this information come mostly from the TV series, "Ancient Aliens"," Zachariah Sitchin", "Michael Tellinger", "Lloyd Pye" and "John Lash". According to ancient Sumerian records, the Annunaki came to Earth looking for gold. They found lots of it here, but didn't want to mine it themselves, so they created human slave workers from the DNA of Neantrathals and their own race.

As the human race increased, so did the "gods" who wanted to rule over them. The mythologies of different cultures were full of "Wars Between Gods" and their followers. This included not only the Sumerians, but the Greeks, the Norse and even the Hindus in India. The history of mankind was a river of blood and corpses.

Jesus Christ was born into this world of competing religions and ideologies. Everything was set up to make the average human an obedient slave. There was no respect for human rights or humanitarian values. Might was right and it ruled with deadly force. You were told what to do and what to believe in.

Jesus gave us visions of the Kingdom of Heaven where people served the least of the brethren and the common good. There was also a hope that the Kingdom of Heaven would eventually come to Earth. 

Jesus initiated spiritual defenses against these evil aliens who thought they could do as they pleased with mankind. A spiritual defense is any action that incapacitates an evil being from doing harm to others. "Visions of Hell" and "The Wrath of God" are two examples of spiritual defenses. "The Book Of Revelation" is the ultimate spiritual defense because it lays out dire consequences for those invading Earth and brainwashing its population.

Are aliens still messing with humanity in the 20th and the 21th century?  According to the late Karla Turner and others, they sure are.

Like the Annunaki, the Grays and Reptilians, probably still consider man to be their property. Maybe that was the case hundreds of thousands of years ago but it isn't the case today. Violations of intergalactic law can carry stiff penalties.

Rule of law will prevail on planet Earth.


Posted by qualteam at 1:32 PM EST
Updated: Saturday, 6 December 2014 12:18 PM EST
Thursday, 20 November 2014
Real Humans, Robots And Supercomputers

The obsession with robots probably began with "Robby" in the 1956 movie  "Forbidden Planet" . Robby continued to be used in the 1960s in the TV series "Lost In Space". It was a very primitive machine and certainly didn't look anything like "Anita/Mimi" above from "Real Humans".

The first intelligent machine that I took a liking to was "HAL" from the movie "Space Odyssey 2001". The astronauts were covertly planning to shut him down and he discovered their plot. I sided with the computer. Why wouldn't they discuss their concerns with him directly?

A few years later, I discovered the robots in the movie "Westworld"Yul Brynner was great as the gunslinger robot that goes berserk. I guess he just got tired of being outdrawn and killed all the time.

In 1979, the first Star Trek movie came out. A super space probe called "Veger" was coming to Earth in order to unite with The Creator. This movie was ahead of its time because who would think that a space probe could be mystical?

You can't leave out R2D2 and 3PO. The Laurel and Hardy robots from Star Wars. They provided us with a few laughs.

Then there was the cult movie "Bladerunner". It was simply a tale of robots trying to survive for more than 5 years and who's a blade (android) and who isn't?

I didn't miss the original "Terminator" either. It was Arnold Schwarzenegger's best role("I'll be back."). It made me feel slightly paranoid about robots.

In the 1990s, Star Trek introduced "Data" as part of the crew of the Enterprise. He quickly became my favorite character through episodes like "A Measure Of A Man" and "Offspring". Again, the humans were the bad guys because they wouldn't recognize the sentience of Data and his daughter.

The latest entry into the wonderful world of androids and robots is Real Humans which I like very much. The robots have different specialties like housekeeping, companionship, sex, day laboring, etc. and some even want to take over the world. Yes, they act much like human beings.

In the four episodes that I've seen so far, there was also some good laughs (LOL).

There was human prejudice against the androids in different ways. Some people called them "Pac men". Others wanted to destroy them and permit only real humans on Earth.

There are several storylines among the different groups of humans and robots (called Hubots).

It helps to see the series, right from the start.  

P.S. Top Ten Good Robots From MoJo . Top Ten Bad Robots From MoJo.


Posted by qualteam at 8:58 PM EST
Updated: Monday, 24 November 2014 9:01 PM EST
Monday, 10 November 2014
War Movies, Boots On The Ground And Remembrance Day

There are many good war movies that you could watch for Remembrance Day or Veteran's Day. Over the last week, I've watched "Saving Private Ryan" and "Lone Survivor". Both of them were very realistic as to what happened in those wars. Despite the fact, one was set in France (1944) and the other in Afghanistan (2005). Little was said about  PTSD, although the Tom Hanks' character was suffering slightly from that condition.

In two earlier films, "The Bridge On The River Kwai" and "Attack", I saw how battle stress brought out the worse in soldiers. 

While I enjoyed both Saving Private Ryan, and Lone Survivor, I felt the violence was overdone, especially in Lone Survivor. Mark Warberg's character in the movie was subjected to just about every punishment in war, shot multiple times, beaten, bounced around on rocks, attacked by a snake, and almost beheaded. Despite my personal incredulity, he survived it all.

The ending of Private Ryan was marred by the gross cowardice of a GI the not-so-heroic death of Tom Hanks. It was suppose to end like the Alamo, but it didn't.

The common thread of all these movies is "boots on the ground". (Soldiers in foreign lands getting killed or surviving heroically.)

Troops suffer not only casualties, but psychologically trauma from the loss of their buddies. Added to this is the wilful or collateral destruction of prisoners, civilians and fellow soldiers. 

The bodies of men are ill-suited for war. They damage and die too easily. The experience of loss and injury continue in fellow soldiers, relatives and the general population for many years afterward.

We even have a national day of morning in Canada called Remembrance Day.

With the high-tech weaponry (e.g. CF-35s) that the allies have in the 21st century, it is my hope and prayer that Boots On The Ground will disappear forever.



Posted by qualteam at 12:29 PM EST
Updated: Monday, 10 November 2014 4:40 PM EST
Wednesday, 5 November 2014
My Top Ten Ways To Lose At Online Poker

Over the last few years playing internet poker, I've discovered just about every way to lose money. Fortunately, I have learned a few lessons that helped me stop losing and start winning.

I never made thousands of dollars, but I made enough to put into the bank and play poker for free for the next few months. I'm referring to Pokerstars' micro level now between $1 and $3 dollars. I seldom play above that amount.

Here are my top ten "secrets" for playing losing poker: 

  1.  Robotic Playing: Basically, this is playing poker too fast. Going through the same moves (folds, calls and raises) without really thinking about them. Each time you play, you have to determine whether you're winning or losing. If you're out-kicked in a hand, you have to determine that too.
  2. Going On Tilt: Most of the time, I see this when a player makes many "rebuys" in a game where the blinds and stacks keep going up. A $1 game can end up as a $12 game quickly. Sometimes, I'll raise or call a big stack, because I can't believe a player is continuing to get great hands. Also "going on tilt" is playing too many mediocre hands in bad positions.
  3. Playing Too Many Games At Once:  Playing one game is boring, but playing two keeps me alert and prepared for anything. Playing three or four games is spreading my attention too thin which opens up the door to mistakes.
  4. Having No System Of Money Management:  Sometimes, I budget myself for today's games and sometimes I don't. When I don't, I spend too much and regret it later. My basic system is to establish my lost or game limit for the day and play accordingly. 
  5. Playing When Tired, Fatigued Or Not That Interested.  This pretty well explains itself. When I play too much or late at night, my sharpness seems to disappear and I lose.
  6. Holding Onto Losing Hands: Sometimes my big pocket-pair like AA or KK gets busted during the flop, turn or river. I find it hard to eat crow and often wind up with a big lost. The same goes with KQ or QJ when they are out kicked by AK or AQ. Also, one high pair against three of a kind or two pair is a losing situation. Either he's got you or you got him. Sometimes, you have to use your intuition for answers.
  7. Becoming A Victim Of Bad Beats and Bad Luck: There are many players who complain about the number of bad beats they get with online poker. It seems they develop a defeatist mentally to the game and start thinking that it's rigged. Then they start playing with a little black cloud over their heads which leads to negative expectations. You can't play good poker with that state of mind. Think like a pro and act like a pro.
  8. Don't Continue To Improve Your Game: You can learn much from an experienced pro like Daniel Negreanu on YouTube.
  9. Don't Learn From Your Mistakes: In life as well as poker, you become a better player/human by realizing where you've been going wrong and correcting it. Did you fail to maximize a profit from a good hand in an ideal situation? Did you fail to minimize a lost in a hand that turned bad? Are you aware of making any mistakes in life and poker?
  10. Being Controlled By Negative Emotions Like Fear, Anger, Depression And Greed. Poker should be fun when you win a little and don't lose too much. Remember Kenny Rogers' song "The Gambler". "Somewhere in the darkness, the gambler broke even, but he gave to me an ace I could keep".

Posted by qualteam at 10:51 AM EST
Updated: Wednesday, 5 November 2014 10:30 PM EST

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