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Friday, 25 February 2011
The Top Ten Dictators On Earth

It's interesting to note that Ghadaffi has been a poster boy for "The Top Ten Dictators On Earth" for many years. He was dropped off the list in 2006, but reinstated in the tenth spot in 2010. It's hard to keep a good bad guy down.

Ghadaffi has no presidential title. He's simply "The Leader" which could be translated as "El Duce" in Italian or "De Fuhrer" in German. 

Despite Ghadaffi and the other guys listed on the modern bulletin board of infamy, it's hard to match the most infamous dictators of all time.

It appears that some UN members are not aware of Ghadaffi's history.

It takes prayer to start the wheels moving against this oppressive tryant.

Hopefully, there will be UN intervention in Libya with the support of the Arab League soon. The prospect of another Rwanda or Cambodia is frightening.


Posted by qualteam at 9:05 PM EST
Updated: Friday, 25 February 2011 9:43 PM EST
Monday, 21 February 2011
The Fight For Freedom In The Middle East


Whether individually or collectively, mankind and oppressed peoples have striven for freedom on this planet. Many countries have enshrined "A Human Bill Of Rights" into their constitutions.

Fortunately, many battles on these issues were won by people like Abraham Lincoln, Mahatma Ghandi, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King (above), Lach Walesa, and the Germans who brought down "The Berlin Wall". 

In any fight for freedom, individuals have to be willing to sacrifice their lives for their cause. Like Patrick Henry said "Give my liberty or give me death".

Protestors in Egypt, Libya, and Behrain were and still are prepared to give their life for freedom. 

Most people on the Earth want to change their condition for the better, not only for themselves and their families, but for future generations to come.

Pray for those who want democracy and freedom from oppressive governments.

Posted by qualteam at 1:59 PM EST
Updated: Monday, 21 February 2011 5:44 PM EST
Thursday, 17 February 2011
The Land Of Confusion


For the past week, I felt like Phil Collins in "The Land Of Confusion". This had nothing to do with world events or politicians. It had everything to do with not being able to publish a blog entry.

I couldn't upload pictures or html code to my blog. I couldn't even publish text sentences. I didn't know whether this problem came from my computer or Tripod's computer. I had, at least, three technicians working on these issues. I did virus scans, I changed Explorer's settings, I emptied garbage out of my computer. Nothing seemed to work.

Then, today, I discovered the radio button on my blog manager.  I knew it was there, you had to put the dot into circle before you could start working on a blog entry. But something else had to happen, the dot had to be clicked again to activate the program. 

Eureka, it worked as you can see. I went from a "disemblogged guy" to a "blogateer". Happiness is blog software that works.


Posted by qualteam at 8:18 PM EST
Updated: Friday, 4 March 2011 11:11 AM EST
Thursday, 10 February 2011
The Jesus App

There's lots of Christian apps to put on your mobile devices. Some are even working on a Jesus app which may bring you into closer contact with "The Son of God". I've seen an app that puts a strong image of Christ into your brain. I'm not enthusiastic about that one.

The closest thing I have to "a Jesus App" in this blog is the list of entries on the right side under "Cosmic Views Of The Universe". Check them out.

I feel many of us have a psychic channel in our mind that we seldom use. It allows us to use spiritual perceptions throughout the cosmos. If there was a Jesus app, it would be connected to us through "A Third Eye".

You might also look on this app as a radio channel where all you have to do is "Turn Your Radio On". Ray Stevens sings about how it's done.


Posted by qualteam at 9:50 PM EST
Updated: Thursday, 10 February 2011 10:36 PM EST
Tuesday, 1 February 2011
Las Vegas, The Hoover Dam and The Grand Canyon

A true Las Vegas vacation should contain more than "The Strip" with its numerous casinos. 

I'm pleased that we found other exciting things do besides gambling.

We went out route 93 to the Hoover Dam where we got the best view possible from the new Hoover Dam Bypass Bridge. It took our breath away because we were practically on top of the dam.

Further down the road at a Colorado River observation area, we bought some native necklaces from local Navajo vendors.

On the road to the Grand Canyon (Highway 25), we went to the B & B diner in Dolan Springs where we had some lunch. Surprisingly, everyone(Irene, Leslie, Blair and me) liked their meal. This didn't happened at expensive buffets in Vegas.

The Grand Canyon West was awesome, of course, especially the Skywalk.

In Vegas, we all liked the Ellis Island Casino for its good returns on slots and its cheap/good food and beer ($2.00 for a 20 ounce glass).

Earlier in the week, I spent too much time playing blackjack at El Cortez, but I saved the week by winning at blackjack, craps, roulette and slots at the Riviera.

We saw two great shows Jubilee and American Superstars. Make sure you have two-for-one coupons to see these shows because they are expensive.

I put more photos of our vacation on my Facebook page.

P.S. The best discount coupon books are "Las Vegas Perks" and "The America Casino Guide".

Posted by qualteam at 8:56 PM EST
Updated: Wednesday, 2 February 2011 6:43 PM EST
Sunday, 23 January 2011
We're Flying Out Of Canada

We're going to Las Vegas today. It's very cold here about minus 20C.

We'll spend a week down there and maybe we'll warm up a little. I plan to bring lots of souvenirs back for the dogs.

I'm looking forward to some Las Vegas buffets. I've heard they're much better than fish and whale blubber.


Posted by qualteam at 9:24 AM EST
Updated: Sunday, 23 January 2011 9:33 AM EST
Wednesday, 19 January 2011
The Life And Death Of Sgt. Ryan Russell

I saw most of Ryan Russell's funeral yesterday. I was awed by the response to his death not just from different police forces, but from the public too.

All of sudden, he became like a personal friend that I had known for years.

This reminded me of "The Highway Of Heroes" where many Canadians greet soldiers who have fallen in Afghanistan.

You don't have to be a celebrity to be a hero in Canada. You just have to be a good person and do your duty.

Ryan always believed in being the first at a crime scene. He thought more of protecting others than himself. The world would be a better place if there were more people like him.

U.S. video on The Highway of Heroes:


Posted by qualteam at 10:42 AM EST
Updated: Wednesday, 19 January 2011 11:01 AM EST
Saturday, 15 January 2011
The Church Of Elvis

It's hard to separate Elvis from the counterculture of the 1950's beatniks and 1960's hippies. Rock and Roll was revolutionary because it came from the gospel and blues music of African Americans. In the 1950s, it was only cool if you were a white guy singing black music. Pat Boone and Elvis started that way and they both had gospel roots.

The 1950s was an age of conformity where "the establishment" in politics, religion and culture dictated what people were suppose to believe in and follow.

The Christian religion hadn't seen a prophet in 1900 years and most sects were arguing over interpretations of the Bible. Into this mental and emotional straitjacket came the pulsating energy of rock and roll. A new age was born and Elvis was its king.

On the right side of this blog are my entries on these new age movements. The Christian Religion wasn't a canned belief system anymore. It seemed to point the way mystically to a higher spiritual life which wanted to communicate to us directly. This was more than the eternal life in Christ. It was "the eternal youthful life" in Christ.

At the same time, insights into life beyond Earth and before birth, began to explode. This expressed itself in alternate religions like Echankar, Scientology, Hare KrishnaZen Buddism, etc.

Added to the above were the science fiction visions of Gene Roddenbury, Kurt Vonnegut, Richard Matheson, George LucasJK Rowlings and Rod Sterling. The study of UFOs began to be taken seriously.

I would call this loosely connected "New Age Movement", Christianity without heavy baggage (i.e. The Church of Elvis). 

We're now connecting to each other and "A New Universal Brotherhood" through the internet.

What do you think?

Posted by qualteam at 8:30 PM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 18 January 2011 9:01 AM EST
Sunday, 9 January 2011
The Number One New Year's Resolution

Is to lose weight, of course. I'm no stranger to that resolution. Over the holidays, I gained five pounds. Over the last week, I managed to lose those five pounds.

There's no secret to my weight lost strategies I just decided to work harder in the gym and at certain Wii games.

In the gym, I did the treadmill for 30 minutes with at least a 6% incline. This worked up a pretty good sweat. With the Wii games, I concentrated on tennis, table tennis and bowling. This wasn't as good as the gym, but it got the heart rate up, improved my hand-eye coordination and kept my competitive gaming spirit going.

Eventually, I'll add Wii Fitness Plus routines to the game plan and then my weight will really start to decrease.

A healthy lifestyle and a weight loss program go hand and hand with each other. Fruits, grains, vegetables have to be a staple in one's diet. If you don't get enough of those, you have to take vitamin/mineral supplements to maintain a high nutritional level. There are places in one's diet for specialized supplements and foods like garlic, ginseng, acai,  pomegranate, etc.

Exercise, game playing and eating nutritional foods can be fun. The reverse of this are "no fun situations" of an out of shape body that's prone to diseases, degeneration and early aging.

Posted by qualteam at 10:10 PM EST
Updated: Sunday, 9 January 2011 11:07 PM EST
Friday, 31 December 2010
My Personal Top Ten Memorable Events Of 2010

This was like a scene from "I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus". Believe it or not I used to play Santa Claus in this terrible suit. This time it wasn't me.

I turned down the offer to play Santa again at Joe Noseworthy's Boxing Day reunion party. There were over 35 guests in attendance and "Santa" was one of them. It was the first and probably the last time we'll see St. Nick there. This party made my list of top ten memorable events during 2010 mainly because of the stupid looking Santa who appeared like he was on drugs.

Not all of the top ten events happened to me directly, but they did capture my attention and move me emotionally.

  1. Canada won gold in hockey at the 2010 games. This seemed to be the perfect end to an Olympics that featured a record number of gold medals for Canada. I even got interested in curling at these games. Check out this Jamaican's view of Sidney Crosby's winning goal.
  2. The Haitian earthquake happened when I was in Las Vegas. It seemed to contrast the fun and fantasy life of glitter city with the grim realities that people in other parts of the world have to live with. This event reinforced the idea that we are all each other keeper. During the year, we should contribute to charities and pray for the less fortunate. In the words of Marley in Dicken's Christmas Carol, "Humanity was my business".
  3. For first time in four years, The Barron Family held a reunion at brother Bob's new house in Toronto. I sent a calender of the family picture to my sister (Linda) and two brothers (Ted and Bob).
  4. In November, my wife (Irene) and I went to Nashville for the first time. Here is the blog entry link on this trip and the photos are located here.
  5. The New Year's day party (2010) at Blair Noseworthy's place was especially memorable because it was the first time that I used the digital camera that I got for Christmas(2009). I snapped some good photos that day and the best ones are on Facebook. The girls look beautiful in these pictures and guys look handsome.
  6. We went to Newfoundland for a month from the middle of July to the middle of August. I wrote many blog entries on our travels through the Avalon Peninsula. Here's one about our trip to Bell Island.
  7. At the beginning of 2010, we went to Las Vegas and the weather was over 60F in the daytime while we were there. What we enjoyed the most is in my Las Vegas journal and The pictures are linked to here.
  8. This is the "Boxing Day Special" starring Lawrie, Bryant and Joe Noseworthy above. Joe holds his Noseworthy reunion every year at his place. Usually about 35 relatives show up. What was special about this year's reunion was the appearance of Santa (Bryant Ho Ho Noseworthy) and "Gavin Richardson", the newest member of the Noseworthy clan. Please check out the pictures here.
  9. Through prayer, we were able to handle a big problem with a department of The Canadian Government.
  10. I sent a custom made calender from Vistaprint to Irene's brother(Clarence) and sister-in-law (Winnie) that contained 13 pictures from our vacations in 2010. They telephoned me to thank me personally for the calenders. It warms my heart when you can do something special for those who let us stay at their place while we were in Newfoundland.


Posted by qualteam at 12:15 AM EST
Updated: Friday, 31 December 2010 11:46 PM EST

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