It's interesting to note that Ghadaffi has been a poster boy for "The Top Ten Dictators On Earth" for many years. He was dropped off the list in 2006, but reinstated in the tenth spot in 2010. It's hard to keep a good bad guy down.
Ghadaffi has no presidential title. He's simply "The Leader" which could be translated as "El Duce" in Italian or "De Fuhrer" in German.
Despite Ghadaffi and the other guys listed on the modern bulletin board of infamy, it's hard to match the most infamous dictators of all time.
It appears that some UN members are not aware of Ghadaffi's history.
It takes prayer to start the wheels moving against this oppressive tryant.
Hopefully, there will be UN intervention in Libya with the support of the Arab League soon. The prospect of another Rwanda or Cambodia is frightening.