For the past week, I felt like Phil Collins in "The Land Of Confusion". This had nothing to do with world events or politicians. It had everything to do with not being able to publish a blog entry.
I couldn't upload pictures or html code to my blog. I couldn't even publish text sentences. I didn't know whether this problem came from my computer or Tripod's computer. I had, at least, three technicians working on these issues. I did virus scans, I changed Explorer's settings, I emptied garbage out of my computer. Nothing seemed to work.
Then, today, I discovered the radio button on my blog manager. I knew it was there, you had to put the dot into circle before you could start working on a blog entry. But something else had to happen, the dot had to be clicked again to activate the program.
Eureka, it worked as you can see. I went from a "disemblogged guy" to a "blogateer". Happiness is blog software that works.