Concepts of Heaven, Hell and Purgatory (i.e. all other places) didn't start with bibical writers and end with medieval artists. Fundamentalists might strongly disagree with that statement.
I feel that divine inspiration or inspiration period wasn't solely located between 5000 BC and 500 AD. My "Spiritual GPS" points to the 20th and 21st century for divine visions. Not from traditional theology, but from sci/fi writers and new age thinkers.
The best vision of Hell that I've seen was a Twilight Zone episode called "A Nice Place To Visit". A close second would be "The Q Continuum" where immortality can be a real drag. Other personal hells would include "The Land Of The Sith Lords", "Voldemort's Domain", and "The Afterlife Where Dreams May Come True".
My own personal vision of Hell can be found at
I've also have my own visions of Heaven and Purgatory. They can be discovered under the right side links called "Cosmic Views Of The Universe".
Within most of us is an intense desire to know more than the human condition on Planet Earth. "Seek and ye shall find".