Over the last week, The Canadian TSX climbed 13.7%, The S&P 500 12%, The London Exchange 13.4% and The Japanese Stock Market 7.6%.
Perhaps, there's a feeling that the bottom of market has been found and secured. It's one thing to give money to individuals or companies, but it's another thing to transmit the hope of a better world to others. The former is a simple physical act, but the latter is a spiritual power that some of us share with those who went before.
Many catastrophes, wars, recessions and plagues have overwhelmed mankind in the past. Each time, spiritual beliefs have helped people get through those dark periods of human suffering.
When we envision a better existence on Earth, it isn't just for ourselves. It's for our children and our children's children. By creating it in our minds and communicating those visions to others, we are participating in the world tomorrow. Along with this imaging process, we also pray for improved conditions in every aspect of our life including economics and the stock market. Our prayers connect us with the power of belief that can take up or down the scale of human survival.
There is no reason for us to be "helpless pawns in the hands of the God of Market Forces".
When I buy the stock of a company, it's like saying in Vulcanese "Live Long And Prosper". The thought itself has more power than the mere exchange of equities for cash.