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Tuesday, 30 October 2007
Halloween: The Gateway To The Subconscious

Halloween is one of my favourite times because it allows us to step out of our present human existence and find an identity and/or a life somewhere else. Such a condition could be heavenly or hellish, however, it's up to each individual to choose his/her afterlife state.

It's hard to image that one could have fun as a zombie or vampire, but it beats being nothing or just human. If things don't work out in the afterlife, you can always get a job haunting fun houses in Niagara Falls. Many people will pay good money for a good scare.

Sure there's past lives, but there's past deaths too. The soul can continue to survive and go on to something else. At Halloween, that choice can be very unpleasant and scary. Have fun tricking and treating.

The Highway Man

Posted by qualteam at 9:21 PM EDT
Sunday, 28 October 2007
Divine And Spiritual Healing

There is evidence that healing power can travel between humans, spirits and God. Spirits and human beings are sentient life forms capable of producing energy of one kind or the other. Healing energy or white light can be focused by life forms interconnected through a common mind.

The spiritual circle draws the negative/dark energy out of the patient/believer and then bathes the injured body part or organ with a warm relaxing photonic wave. The pain, the dark energy goes through sensitive human souls into spiritual beings. In a human, this pain is often felt as grief and despair.

There are different ways to obtain a healing. While a miracle can be instantaneous, a healing usually takes some time to complete.

Posted by qualteam at 9:46 PM EDT
Saturday, 27 October 2007
A Seminar On Fibromyalgia

 Today, my wife, Irene, and I attended a seminar on Fibromyalgia. 

The person giving the seminar (Dr. Whitcomb) is a chiropractor and not a doctor.

Fibromyalgia is a disease/condition of many symptoms that affects the nervous system in strange and painful ways. Lack of sleep, pains in different areas of the body and chronic fatique are a few of these symptoms.

Dr. Whitcomb and has had some success in treating this condition with chiropractic techiques in this office in Lake Tahoe, Nevada. Three patients gave moving accounts of their condition before and after their treatment.

Dr. Whitcomb has written a book on the subject which I'm reading right now.

His treatments are on the expensive side ($7000 and up) which include hotel room and food. However, he certainly provides hope for people with this awful disease. Most doctors dismiss fibromyalgia patients as hypochondriacs.

More doctors and chiropractors should learn Dr. Whitcomb's techniques. Treatments should be cheaper and covered by public or private health insurance.

Posted by qualteam at 10:32 PM EDT
Updated: Saturday, 27 October 2007 11:04 PM EDT
Tuesday, 23 October 2007
Good Tweet Or Bad Tweet?

Your Good Girl Is Going To Go Bad


Posted by qualteam at 10:47 PM EDT
Sunday, 21 October 2007
The Miracle Of Plumby Nut

I discovered "Plumby Nut" for the first time on 60 Minutes tonight. All I can say is WoW!!! The whole thing looked like peanut butter on steriods. It was tasty, cheap and didn't need refrigeration. Others had discovered what I knew for a long time. A person could practically survive on peanut butter alone. It was my favourite food since I was five.

Malnutrition is devastating millions of children both in the 3rd world and in North America. Kids can't learn or stay heathy until they've eaten properly (i.e. not from canned foods and junk food but nutritious supplements like Plumbly Nut)

Any crusade against poverty would include a crusade against malnutrition. That would include providing food banks in Canada, etc. with delicious power bars/paste like Plumby Nut. 

Get capitalists and politicians on board in the anti-malnutrition crusade. It concerns more people than poor Africans.

Posted by qualteam at 9:06 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 21 October 2007 9:21 PM EDT
Thursday, 18 October 2007
I Put More Money Into The Canadian Stock Market
Mood:  a-ok

It looks like Canada's TSX is going to beat America's Dow for the fourth straight year.

My favourite fund is TD's "Canadian Equity Fund". It's one of only five Canadian equities that beat "The Exchange Traded Funds" over a five year period.

As well as being a net exporter of energy and minerals, Canada also has a very sound banking system that was only minimally exposed to the subprime fiasco (Ninja mortgages: no job, no assets) in the U.S.

Canadian housing continues to maintain its value.

I'm an investor in the blue chip companies in Canada and the world.

Posted by qualteam at 10:48 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 18 October 2007 11:19 PM EDT
Monday, 15 October 2007
Two Great Songs: One Old And The Other New

The Eagles are my favourite group of all time. They do any music genre  well.

With their latest single, "How Long", they return to their desert country roots.

The second song is an old R and B tune called "Fujiyama Mama" by the Queen of Rockabilly, Wanda Jackson. She was too hot for the 1950s, but she's still entertaining and touring at age 69.
Please enjoy both songs.

Posted by qualteam at 10:22 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, 15 October 2007 10:40 PM EDT
Saturday, 13 October 2007
Feb/18th Is Now John Tory Day In Ontario
Mood:  a-ok

Premier McGuinty was so happy that Conservative leader, John Tory, gave him the Ontario election over the religious school funding issue that he named the Ontario holiday "John Tory Day".

Politicians can appreciate each other, especially, if they do things that make them an easy target.

Just call Dalton McGuinty "Mr. Nice".


Posted by qualteam at 9:03 PM EDT
Updated: Saturday, 13 October 2007 9:24 PM EDT
Thursday, 11 October 2007
I'd Like To Improve Productivity At The Post Office

Here are some definitions of productivity that could be used at Canada Post or anywhere:

Definition One: The degree of effectiveness of industrial management in utilizing the facilities for production ; especially : the effectiveness in utilizing labor and equipment.

Definition Two: Basically productivity is a measure of what one puts into something compared to what one gets out of it. You can usually get it down to a dollar value where if it costs more to employ a person, machine or process than you get out of it, there is no productivity.

It's always good to know how well or how badly your section is doing compared to others. We've never had a productivity meeting at the Toronto Exchange Office. Now is the time for one.


Posted by qualteam at 10:56 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 11 October 2007 11:00 PM EDT
Tuesday, 9 October 2007
I'm Voting For Green Empowerment In Ontario

Most of the parties and the media ignored "green issues" in the Ontario election. It's hard to ignore when we set a new record temperature for October 8th in Toronto (32 degrees C).

The "hot botton" issues like health and education dominated this election.

It's up to us as individuals to separate the hype/spin on the issues from what really matters in Ontario, Canada and the World.

Please cast a vote for the enviromental concerns of the NDP or the Green Party.

Posted by qualteam at 11:17 PM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 9 October 2007 11:39 PM EDT

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