Star Trek's 40th Anniversary
I'm a big fan of many of the Star Trek series and movies. When I get the chance, I'll list my ten top movies/episodes from all the stories.
In putting together, my concept of 21st century Christianity, I used the inspiration from many different sci/fi sources including Gene Roddenberry.
For hundred of years, Christianity was shackled by medieval visions(e.g. heaven, hell, etc.) and rigid dogmas(e.g. the Nicene Creed etc.).
As computer and space science developed in the 20th century, so did the ideas of what advanced civilizations would be like. This lead to the incredible growth of science fiction(e.g. Star Trek, Star Wars)in the latter part of the century.
The two dimensional Christian Universe with Heaven above, Earth in the center and Hell below changed to a multi-dimensional universe where space ships flew faster than light and the heavens teemed with different life forms that were similar to humans and sometimes quite different.
The abode of God or gods changed from 7th Heaven to "The Q Continuum".
I believe detailed science fiction stories triggered hidden memories of past lives.
The fans of Star Trek, Star Wars and Harry Potter are astronomical. Are they all remembering common realities?
The souls of human beings come from somewhere. The journey to find that "somewhere" is partially what life is about. (Star Trek After 40 Years) (The Bibles of Comic Books, Fantasy Land and Science Fiction)
Posted by qualteam
at 11:11 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 27 August 2006 11:17 PM EDT