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Thursday, 8 June 2006
Changes Should Improve Some Condition
If anything can be improved, it should be. That includes resumes, loglines, synopsises, webpage forwarding and your own personal life.

Changes, however, that makes a resume or logline, etc. worse should be quickly rejected. I've found that failed "experts" are the worse kind because they give advice that make an artist fail.

However, there was room for improvement in some areas and I'm going to check it out with knowledge dudes to see if they have positive suggestions that can really make these pieces of promotional writing sing.

I've changed the domain name, "" to forward to "My Fun Resume Page". No more does it forward to the one below.

It's hard to miss "David C. Barron's Top Ten Movies", because it's in the top ten Google search results for "David Barron".

Creative writers' resumes shouldn't be boring or mundane.
It should be entertaining and even a bit weird.
David Barron's Biz

Posted by qualteam at 9:34 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 8 June 2006 11:08 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 7 June 2006
It's My Birthday Today
Mood:  lucky
I'm happy I was born. I'm happy that I'm married to my wife, Irene. We all have challenges that we have to face. For my wife, it's unemployment. For me, it's unfulfilled artistic(writing)ambitions.

There are others that are much worse off than us in the Greater Toronto Area. Some pay 75% of their wages for rent and they, also, have to go to the food bank to feed their kids. They need affordable housing that isn't there yet. So, when you go to church or pray to God, consider those that are less fortunate than yourself.

Crusade for what you believe in and leave the world a better place than you found it.

At the same time maintain a good sense of humor about yourself and others and always try to improve yourself.

If you want to know more about me, and where I'm coming from take a look at these websites:

Writing Crusades
My Acting Career
My Fun Resume
The Barron Family Pages
A Cartoon Looking For His Cartoonist

Posted by qualteam at 7:57 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 7 June 2006 10:42 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 6 June 2006
The Loyal Order Of David Barrons
You probably know this by now, but I'm not the highest ranking "David Barron" in the top ten Google search list. I think I'm seventh on the list.

I'm also not the only David Barron who's in the movie business. There's also the "David Barron", who produced the "Harry Potter" films.

Do you remember Jerry Lewis, the rock and roll singer in the 50s? He added Lee to his name because he didn't want to be confused with Jerry Lewis, the comedian. I'm going to do something similar.

The David Barrons of world are in many diverse fields, but only one has the domain name That's yours truly, David C. Barron. "C" stands for Charles or Chucky as in "Bride of Chucky."

Welcome to the top David Barrons on the internet:
David Barron, Movie Producer
David Barron of The Oxygengroup
David Barron, Sport's Guy
David Barron, Hypnotherapist
David C. Barron's Top Ten Movies

Posted by qualteam at 11:27 AM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 6 June 2006 11:39 AM EDT
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Monday, 5 June 2006
The Hotel California Mysteries
Mood:  spacey
So far, no one has penetrated the many mysteries of Hotel California. It's true, there are many red herrings in this story, but there is also much truth as well. It just isn't handed to you on a silver platter.

My own fascination with this subject has lead to "The Theme Park Websites of Hotel California". They are found at Mystery World, Area 53 World, The Indian Burial Grounds, Gehenna World, HC Vacation World Angel World Zen World, etc.

At Hotel California, death isn't the end. It's a new beginning.

Posted by qualteam at 10:22 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, 5 June 2006 10:33 PM EDT
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Saturday, 3 June 2006
In Memory Of Dagmar Romanowski
Mood:  sad
On Thursday, June 1st, we went to a memorial service in Arthur, Ontario for our dear friend, Dagmar Romanowski.

She died in Austria while visiting her daughter, Sandy Romanowski.

Dagmar was always a fun person to be with. She was talkative, but she also had a great sense of humor. Unfortunately, over the last few years, she suffered from different illnesses that impaired her quality of life.

As the minister said at the memorial, the "goodbye service" on earth is followed by a "hello service" in heaven: As one door closes, another opens.

Dagmar is survived by her husband, Hans and her daughers, Sandy and Jessica.

Dagmar Romanowski B-July/25/1950 D-May/16/2006

Wo du auch weilst, im Herzen bist du bei uns. Where you also stay, in the heart you are with us.

The Romanowskis Live In Mount Forest, Ontario

Posted by qualteam at 7:05 PM EDT
Updated: Saturday, 3 June 2006 7:35 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 31 May 2006
Life's Still A Struggle For Us
Mood:  hungry
My wife, Irene, is still looking for a steady job.
I'm still trying to sell my stories and we're both trying to pay down a large mortgage.

Basically, the "good old days" are still in the future for us. We look forward to paying off the mortgage and getting a few bucks ahead. Most of our friends have already done that.

I guess we're blessed in some ways because most people our age look back on "the good old days" in the past.

We feel our best days are yet to come.

There's no retreat or surrender. The only way, we're going down to defeat is when we quit and we're not going to do that. That sounds like the original "Rocky", eh?

The Original Rocky
My Top Ten Movies Of All Time

Posted by qualteam at 9:57 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 31 May 2006 10:05 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 30 May 2006
Hot Days In Brampton
We've hit some hot, humid smoggy days in Brampton, recently. It's tough to walk or play soccer outdoors.

I've been working out in our airconditioned gym at Gateway(The postal plant where I work.)It costs only $65.00 a year to be a member there.

Irene had a good job interview yesterday. It's an "Accounts Receiveable Postion" that pays salary plus commission. The job is close by and it would be nice to get it, but...there's other people applying as well. Your wishes and prayers are well received.

If you don't the like the hot weather in North American, try Newfoundland.
The Weather In St. John's Newfoundland
The Weather In Brampton, Ontario

Posted by qualteam at 10:35 PM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 30 May 2006 10:46 PM EDT
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Saturday, 27 May 2006
Strange Website Of The Week
Mood:  spacey
This has to do with Christian mythology and legends of so-called cultist, new age groups like the Mormons and The Unification Church. The subject matter is "The Order of Melchizadek" and "The Prieshood of Melchizadek."

I'm doing research into these groups and others in order to create another mystery thriller.
Check it out.

Posted by qualteam at 11:03 PM EDT
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Thursday, 25 May 2006
Taylor Hicks Deserves To Be An American Idol
Mood:  cool
OK, so he's over the cutoff age of 28 and the gray hair makes him look twenty years older than 29.

He performs oldies(e.g. "Taking It Too the Streets", "Jailhouse Rock", "Crazy Little Thing Called Love", etc.)like he just recorded them yesterday. He also has great dance moves and plays a mean harmonica.

Like the original singers of the 50s and 60s, he knows how to have fun with his material.

While everyone else is trying to be super hot, Taylor is just naturally cool. Rock on buddy. Rock on.
Taylor Hicks The Illegal Contestant
The Godfather Of "The Soul Patrol"

Posted by qualteam at 10:50 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 25 May 2006 11:02 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 24 May 2006
Irene's Job Search Begins Again
Mood:  sad
For two months, my wife, Irene worked at a contract job that she thought would become a permanent one, but this didn't materialize.

She's back on the job market looking for steady employment as a payroll administrator and accounts payable.

Your prayers and good wishes in her quest for long term employment would be appreciated. She's a very hard worker and dedicated to her family.

Check out her websites.
Questions And Answers On Irene's Work History
Irene and David's Family Pages

Posted by qualteam at 11:03 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 24 May 2006 11:07 PM EDT
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