You probably know this by now, but I'm not the highest ranking "David Barron" in the top ten Google search list. I think I'm seventh on the list.
I'm also not the only David Barron who's in the movie business. There's also the "David Barron", who produced the "Harry Potter" films.
Do you remember Jerry Lewis, the rock and roll singer in the 50s? He added Lee to his name because he didn't want to be confused with Jerry Lewis, the comedian. I'm going to do something similar.
The David Barrons of world are in many diverse fields, but only one has the domain name That's yours truly, David C. Barron. "C" stands for Charles or Chucky as in "Bride of Chucky."
Welcome to the top David Barrons on the internet:
David Barron, Movie Producer
David Barron of The Oxygengroup
David Barron, Sport's Guy
David Barron, Hypnotherapist
David C. Barron's Top Ten Movies
Posted by qualteam
at 11:27 AM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 6 June 2006 11:39 AM EDT