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David Barron

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The Barron Blog
Wednesday, 31 May 2006
Life's Still A Struggle For Us
Mood:  hungry
My wife, Irene, is still looking for a steady job.
I'm still trying to sell my stories and we're both trying to pay down a large mortgage.

Basically, the "good old days" are still in the future for us. We look forward to paying off the mortgage and getting a few bucks ahead. Most of our friends have already done that.

I guess we're blessed in some ways because most people our age look back on "the good old days" in the past.

We feel our best days are yet to come.

There's no retreat or surrender. The only way, we're going down to defeat is when we quit and we're not going to do that. That sounds like the original "Rocky", eh?

The Original Rocky
My Top Ten Movies Of All Time

Posted by qualteam at 9:57 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 31 May 2006 10:05 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 30 May 2006
Hot Days In Brampton
We've hit some hot, humid smoggy days in Brampton, recently. It's tough to walk or play soccer outdoors.

I've been working out in our airconditioned gym at Gateway(The postal plant where I work.)It costs only $65.00 a year to be a member there.

Irene had a good job interview yesterday. It's an "Accounts Receiveable Postion" that pays salary plus commission. The job is close by and it would be nice to get it, but...there's other people applying as well. Your wishes and prayers are well received.

If you don't the like the hot weather in North American, try Newfoundland.
The Weather In St. John's Newfoundland
The Weather In Brampton, Ontario

Posted by qualteam at 10:35 PM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 30 May 2006 10:46 PM EDT
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Saturday, 27 May 2006
Strange Website Of The Week
Mood:  spacey
This has to do with Christian mythology and legends of so-called cultist, new age groups like the Mormons and The Unification Church. The subject matter is "The Order of Melchizadek" and "The Prieshood of Melchizadek."

I'm doing research into these groups and others in order to create another mystery thriller.
Check it out.

Posted by qualteam at 11:03 PM EDT
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Thursday, 25 May 2006
Taylor Hicks Deserves To Be An American Idol
Mood:  cool
OK, so he's over the cutoff age of 28 and the gray hair makes him look twenty years older than 29.

He performs oldies(e.g. "Taking It Too the Streets", "Jailhouse Rock", "Crazy Little Thing Called Love", etc.)like he just recorded them yesterday. He also has great dance moves and plays a mean harmonica.

Like the original singers of the 50s and 60s, he knows how to have fun with his material.

While everyone else is trying to be super hot, Taylor is just naturally cool. Rock on buddy. Rock on.
Taylor Hicks The Illegal Contestant
The Godfather Of "The Soul Patrol"

Posted by qualteam at 10:50 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 25 May 2006 11:02 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 24 May 2006
Irene's Job Search Begins Again
Mood:  sad
For two months, my wife, Irene worked at a contract job that she thought would become a permanent one, but this didn't materialize.

She's back on the job market looking for steady employment as a payroll administrator and accounts payable.

Your prayers and good wishes in her quest for long term employment would be appreciated. She's a very hard worker and dedicated to her family.

Check out her websites.
Questions And Answers On Irene's Work History
Irene and David's Family Pages

Posted by qualteam at 11:03 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 24 May 2006 11:07 PM EDT
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Monday, 22 May 2006
An Uneventful Trip To Niagara Falls
Mood:  chillin'
You don't have to blame it on the moon, the Bossa Nova or Rio. Blame it on the Newfoundland weather that was imported to Niagara Falls.

The highlight of our weekend was a trip to "The Butterfly Museum" and some tight games of cribbage and euchre in our hotel room. My brother-law(Joe) and I won a couple of cribbage nail biters against the spouses(Irene and Laurie), but we were defeated by an equally close margin in the euchre match.

At the casino, our group except me played one-armed bandits and lost. I played craps and won eight dollars.
The Butterfly Conservatory
A Short History of Cribbage

Posted by qualteam at 9:48 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, 22 May 2006 11:31 PM EDT
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Friday, 19 May 2006
A Trip We Can Afford
Mood:  vegas lucky
My wife, Irene, and I are going to Niagara Falls for the Victoria Day weekend. Her brother, Joe Noseworthy, and his wife, Laurie are with us celebrating their 14th wedding anniversary.

We've been to Niagara Falls several times.

The main attractions are the Falls and the casinos, so hopefully, we'll make enough to afford another vacation there next year.

I've been learning how to play craps properly and I hope it pays off.
Background On Niagara Falls
Winning At Craps
The Holiday For The Dead Queen

Posted by qualteam at 11:22 PM EDT
Updated: Friday, 19 May 2006 11:28 PM EDT
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Thursday, 18 May 2006
The Lost Opportunity Of Dan Brown
There's no doubt that Dan Brown studied ancient Christian materials as far back as the Gnostics and the early church of Constantine's time. However, the ideas that developed into the "Da Vinci's Code" seemed to be taken from 20th century books.

Christ married Mary Magdaline so everything had to revolve around that "coded secret". The Opus Dei were the bad guys so every conspiracy and any shocking secret had to come from them.

So what? As a mystery, it fails because everyone seems to know it. All that's left is a controversy and I think the entertainment value in that is waning.

Lets get real. The first schism in the church occurred between the Catholics and the Gnostics, probably because the Gnostics wouldn't turn over secret materials on Jesus Christ.

Jesus, supposedly, had a body that was different from other humans. The God of the Old Testament wasn't the God of the New Testament. There were mysteries here that the Catholic Church wasn't privy to, so they tried to illegitimize the Gnostics existence with "The Creed Of Nicene" and "The Apostles Creed."

The Gnostics probably became part of the "Illuminati" movement which reunited with "The Knights Templar" and "The Freemasons". Do they have secrets with regards to Jesus Christ and Christianity? Of course, they do.

Brown followed up on this research in his book called "Angels and Demons", but little of this relates to the inner secrets of the Gnostic elite.

The opportunity to go into the myths and hidden mysteries of Christ never happened.

This story needs to be told, but I don't think Dan Brown is going to tell it.
The Gnostic Church Today
The Illuminati Connections
What Is Gnosticism?
Search For The Holy Grail

Posted by qualteam at 10:42 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 18 May 2006 10:48 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 16 May 2006
A Voice From The Past
Today, I received an e-mail and a school picture from someone that I haven't heard from in forty years. He got my name from the Google Search Engine and it really warms my heart to think I'm part of somebody's treasured memories.

Here's the letter:
"Hello David,
Once, I was watching television and you were being interviewed. I thought, I gotta contact that guy.
Recently, I was looking at some old photographs from Barrie District Central Collegiate. That made me think of you again. I thought, I gotta contact that guy. Today, I googled your name and that is why you are getting this message. I recently sent The Barrie Examiner a photograph ( which I will
attach to this communication) and asked if they are interested in a "where are they now?"- type
of story. The publisher passed it on to their editor, but I haven't heard anything since. I'm in that photograph. If you are the same David Barron who went to Barrie District Central Collegiate
at about the time I did .... congratulations on all you have achieved! Judging by your website you're a happy man and that is excellent. So congratulations once again! If you are not the David Barron I think I am writing to, please accept my best wishes and have yourself a great day".
George Czerny-Holownia.

Here's the school photo. I'm in the third row fifth from the left. Well done George.

Barrie Central Collegiate
The Barrie Examiner

Posted by qualteam at 10:30 PM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 16 May 2006 10:38 PM EDT
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Sunday, 14 May 2006
Movie 101: Walk The Line
Mood:  a-ok
While the story looks like a country version of "Ray", it's only because both men had similiar humble beginnings with similar guilt-filled experiences.

With the emphasis on the relationship between June Carter and Johnny Cash, the story moves towards their wedding with touching and stormy scenes.

It's a old saying that the path of true love is never smooth and the Cash/Carter relationship proves it. Four stars.
More Reviews On "Walk The Line"

Posted by qualteam at 11:43 PM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 16 May 2006 1:04 PM EDT
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