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Wednesday, 27 October 2004
Top Ten Excuses If You're Caught Sleeping At Work
1. Let us pray....AMEN! 2. I was doing a highly specific Yoga exercise to relieve work-related stress. 3. I wasn't sleeping. I was meditating on our mission statement and viewing a new vision of our place in the universe. 4. They told me at the blood bank this might happen. 5. I was testing my keyboard for drool resistance. 6. Whew! Guess I left the top off the whiteout. You probably got here just in time! 7. This is just a 15 MINUTE POWER NAP like they raved about in that time management course you sent me to. 8. The coffee machine is full of decaf. 9. Why did you interrupt me? While thinking on a higher plane, I almost figured out a solution to our biggest problem. 10. It was just a minor heart attack. Thanks for reviving me.

Posted by qualteam at 10:06 PM EDT
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Monday, 25 October 2004
Movie Review 82: Frankie And Johnny
Elvis is a riverboat gambler and entertainer in this well done musical of the early 20th century.
The dull romantic triangle storyline is saved by some good comedy and songs. Two and half stars.
More On "Frankie And Johnny"

Posted by qualteam at 10:56 PM EDT
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Sunday, 24 October 2004
What Is Needed For A Bush Victory In 2004?
It's simple. Bring the number one terrorist(Osama bin Laden)into custody before Nov/2/04.
Betting On A Bin Laden Capture

Posted by qualteam at 7:48 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, 6 December 2004 10:20 PM EST
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Friday, 22 October 2004
Have You Taken These Surveys?
The website has some interesting surveys on the above.

"A new study by the Program on International Policy Attitudes (PIPA)shows that supporters of President Bush hold wildly inaccurate views about the world. For example, "a large majority [72 percent] of Bush supporters believe that before the war Iraq had weapons of mass destruction."[1] Most Bush supporters [57 percent] also believe that the recently released report by Charles Duelfer, the administration's hand-picked weapons inspector, concluded Iraq either had WMD or a major program for developing them.[2] In fact, the report concluded "Saddam Hussein did not produce or possess any weapons of mass destruction for more than a decade before the U.S.-led invasion" and the U.N. inspection regime had "curbed his ability to build or develop weapons."[3]

According to the study, 75 percent Bush supporters also believe "Iraq was providing substantial support to al Qaeda."[4] Most Bush supporters
[55 percent] believe that was the conclusion of the 9/11 commission.[5] In fact, the 9/11 commission concluded there was no "collaborative relationship" between al-Qaeda and Iraq.[6]

Bush supporters also hold inaccurate views about world public opinion of the war in Iraq and a range of Bush's foreign policy positions.[7]


1. "The Separate Realities of Bush and Kerry Supporters," Program on
International Policy Attitudes, 10/21/04,
2. Ibid,
3. "Iraq's Illicit Weapons Gone Since Early '90s, CIA Says," Los
Angeles Times, 10/07/04,
4. "The Separate Realities of Bush and Kerry Supporters," Program on
International Policy Attitudes, 10/21/04,
5. Ibid,
6. "Al Qaeda-Hussein Link Is Dismissed," Washington Post, 6/17/04,
7. "The Separate Realities of Bush and Kerry Supporters," Program on
International Policy Attitudes, 10/21/04,"

Posted by qualteam at 9:53 PM EDT
Updated: Friday, 22 October 2004 9:56 PM EDT
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Thursday, 21 October 2004
What Happened To The U.S. Dollar?
Mood:  down
Since February of 2002, the U.S. greenback has seen a 24.5% drop in its value. This is from skyrocketing trade and current account deficits-plus out-of-sight commodity pricies with oil yesterday back up to $54.75 US a barrel. Canada, a net exporter of commodities, has seen its currency go from .62 cents in February 2002 to 80.28 cents in October of 2004.

I don't think either presidential candidate has referred to the dollar's fall in the election campaign.

Posted by qualteam at 11:13 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 21 October 2004 11:16 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 20 October 2004
Cartoon Of The Week

Posted by qualteam at 10:40 PM EDT
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Monday, 18 October 2004
Visit This Halloween Funhouse
Funhouses are always exciting to visit. There is one in Arizona that you may have difficulty in finding and escaping from.

The ultimate challenge lies in distinguishing the true monsters and ghosts from the phonies. If you get it right, you survive, if you don't...well I think you know what happens.

The afterworld has its own traps and mysteries. Why not practice for it at The Gehenna Funhouse?

Posted by qualteam at 8:10 PM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 19 October 2004 10:26 PM EDT
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Friday, 15 October 2004
The Barron Blogarama
Please note, that I'm using three weblogs in order to properly describe what's happening in "The Barron Universe."

It's like having three heads at one time. When one dies, the others can carry on.

You can find the main one at and the others can be found at Barron Blog #2 and Dave And Irene's Weblog Page.

May you discover something new in every portal you go through.

Posted by qualteam at 11:07 PM EDT
Updated: Friday, 15 October 2004 11:09 PM EDT
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Thursday, 14 October 2004
Vacation Spot Of The Week
This is from Ahmad Al Jobori, the Iraqi tourist minister. "Don't come. I understand all about wanting to have an adventure, but Iraq could be a one-way trip."

Maybe a trip to this guy's planet would be more fun.

Posted by qualteam at 5:09 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 14 October 2004 10:06 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 13 October 2004
Canada's Color Coded Security System

What?.. me worry? The FLQ hasn't been around for thirty years.
What Is The FLQ?

Posted by qualteam at 10:08 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 13 October 2004 10:12 PM EDT

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