Below is a "letter to the editor" from Rex Meade on Mitch Potter's article, "Gearing Up For The Apocalypse", that I commented on in my last entry.
I found the last paragraph of his letter very amusing.
The complete letter is below:
"Mitch Potter's account of the hell and brimstone rantings of Tim LaHaye and others of his ilk brings back memories of 50 years ago when, as a 13-year-old boy, I squirmed in the church pew listening to similar pronouncements from the pulpit. Back then it was inane diatribes against liberalism, integration, mixed-race marriages, Elvis Presley, and the imminent downfall of civilization.
Today it's liberalism, gay marriage, Muslims, Russians and stem cell research. It is the same old racism, and fear-mongering, but now playing to multi-million dollar book sales, TV deals and not just the collection plate.
There's one thing we can all be be sure of: In another 50 years the same old crowd will still be hate-mongering about liberalism and whatever new evil is about to send us all to hell.
One can only hope there is indeed a Rapture where all the True Believers disappear in a flash, leaving the rest of us in glorious peace."
Rex Meade: Letter to the Editor, Toronto Star
P.S. I firmly believe in religious freedom as a basic human right. Everyone has the freedom to examine religious movements of one kind or another and see whether it agrees with his/her inner light.
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